C Excel Exportasfixedformat Pdf

expression.ExportAsFixedFormat(Format, Filename,Intent,IncludeDocumentProperties, ColorDownsampleTarget, ColorDownsampleThreshold, OneBitDownsampleTarget, OneBitDownsampleThreshold,From,To,Copies,Collate,PrintStyle,DocStructureTags,BitmapMissingFonts,UseISO19005_1,ExternalExporter)

C excel exportasfixedformat pdf free

Have you tried setting 'Intent' to a different value? That will impact the size of the file produced.

Create a pdf of ActiveSheet 2. Save pdf into a specific location 3. Name the pdf with a file name based on the sheet date 4. Open an email, with selected recipients, and attach the current pdf to and email If you have any suggestions to develop the code or see any possible errors please let me know.


C Excel Exportasfixedformat Pdf Download

Possible values for the Intent parameter are shown in the following table and declared in PbFixedFormatIntent in the Publisher type library.

C Excel Exportasfixedformat Pdf Online




Squeeze the publication to the smallest file size. This satisfies the on-screen viewing scenario where the publication is viewed on a computer monitor.



Distribute the publication as an e-mail message or from a Web site. Note that the user does not know how the publication will be viewed: on-screen or printed from a desktop printer. Both the desktop printing scenario and the on-screen viewing scenario must be met by this intent.



Print the publication on a desktop printer or at a copy store.



Submit the publication to a commercial press

C Excel Exportasfixedformat Pdf Free

  • The ExportAsFixedFormat method is used to publish a workbook to either the PDF or XPS format. Filename Optional Variant A string that indicates the name of the file to be saved. You can include a full path or Excel saves the file in the current folder. From Optional Variant The number of the page at.
  • Type XlFixedFormatType. One of the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFixedFormatType values that specifies whether to save the workbook in PDF or XPS format.