Download Software Quiz Cqc Certification

We test with popular programs installed – On each installation of Windows, we also install a variety of popular software programs before testing the driver (e.g. Various versions of Microsoft Office, antivirus products and video players).

Check your code quality by running one command.

Supported Languages

  • js, jsx, vue
  • css, less, scss, sass, styl

Quick Start

Install cqc:

Run Code Quality Checker for all JavaScript files in src directory:



To run cqc, use the following format:

Download Software Quiz Cqc Certification Test

For example:


Download Software Quiz Cqc Certification


Please note that when passing a glob as a parameter, it will be expanded by your shell. The results of the expansion can vary depending on your shell, and its configuration. If you want to use node glob syntax, you have to quote your parameter (using double quotes if you need it to run in Windows), as follows:


Files options
--extstring.jsSpecify file extensions. --ext is only used when the arguments are directories. If you use glob patterns or file names, then --ext is ignored.
--ignore-pathpathSpecify path of ignore file
--ignore-patternpatternPattern of files to ignore
--filter-patternpatternOutput percentage of all files but only details that related to the filter pattern
Script options
--jscpd-min-linesnumber5Set the min size of duplication in code lines
--jscpd-min-tokensnumber70Set the min size of duplication in code tokens
--complexity-maxnumber10Set the allowed max complexity of a function
Disable options
--disable-baseDisable base checker
--disable-slocDisable sloc checker
--disable-jscpdDisable jscpd checker
--disable-complexityDisable complexity checker
Reporter options
-f, --formatstringSpecify an output format. Supported format: json
--verboseVerbose mode. A lot more information output
--threshold-jscpdnumberSet the jscpd threshold, process will exit if duplicate rate is more than threshold
--threshold-complexitynumberSet the complexity threshold, process will exit if complexity rate is more than threshold


Set the file extensions

Set the ignore file path

Ignore vendors and third-party libraries

Output json format


Verbose mode


Set the jscpd threshold


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Software Quiz Creator Free

It's also able to use cqc as a node module:

Computer Hardware And Software Quiz

Concept Definition

Application Software Quiz

Number of filesThe number of input files
Source lines of codeThe lines of code except commants and blank lines
Lines of duplicated codeLines of code (more than 5 lines or more than 70 tokens) which is exactly the same between two files, or in different place of one file
Duplicate rateLines of duplicated code / Source lines of code
Number of functionsThe number of functions
Number of high complexity functionsThe number of functions which has complexity more than 10
High complexity rateNumber of high complexity functions / Number of functions