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- Artist: Sandu Ciorba
- Song: La o margină de sat
- Translations: English
La o margină de sat
La o margine de sat vine tata supărat,
Ce-o fi în sufletul său, că-i supărat tare rău?!
Srelyos La O Margine De Saturday
Am un tată de omenie și toată lumea îl știe,
Doamne, n-o greșit la nimenea, nici cu vorba sau fapta.
Doamne, n-o greșit la nimenea, nici cu vorba sau fapta.
Chiar de nu mi-o dat avere, mi-o dat multă mângâiere,
Chiar de nu mi-o dat avere, mi-o dat multă mângâiere,
Doamne, câte zile oi trăi, eu pe tata l-oi iubi, eu pe tata l-oi iubi,
English translationEnglishAA
At the margin of the village
At the margin of the village father sadly/ pensively comes,
At the margin of the village father sadly/ pensively comes,
What might be in his soul, because he”s very upset?!
What might be in his soul, because he”s very upset?!
I have a humane/ kind father and everybody knows him,
Intr Un Staul Mic La O Margine De Sat
I have a humane/ kind father and everybody knows him,
God, he didn”t mistake to anybody, neither with his word or his deed/ action.
Even though he didn”t gave me wealth, he gave me lots of caress,
Even though he didn”t gave me wealth, he gave me lots of caress,
God, how many days I will live, I will love my father, I will love my father,
Srelyos La O Margine De Saturn
How many days I will live, God, I won”t forget my father.
La O Margine De Sat Versuri
Srelyos La O Margine De Satellite
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