Mcafee Removable Media Control

Active2 months ago

How to remove or temporary disable McAfee File and Removable Media Protection? It wants to encrypt USB devices anytime they are plugged in or otherwise it sets them to read only. Any idea how to get rid of that annoying feature?

There is a note on that here: I do not know how to find cd Product_Installation_Path which is mentioned there.

Maybe there is some lighter way to unchecked that option somewhere?

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McAfee DLPe 9.4 provides a simple way to block the ability to copy data to a removable storage device and prevent users from moving files off a corporate computer. In this document, we’re just going to create a simple policy to block users from being able to write data to a USB Device, but still allow them to copy data from the USB drive to.

Przemyslaw ReminPrzemyslaw Remin

2 Answers

  1. McAfee Device Control Prevent unauthorized use of removable media devices on your network Stem the rising costs of exposure Data loss is one of the most widespread, serious, and costly security problems facing companies today. In fact, more than 75 percent of Fortune 1000 companies have fallen victim to accidental or malicious data loss.
  2. McAfee SNS Notice: McAfee Endpoint Product Removal Tool 2.3.1 Now Available (SNS1731) for the removal of McAfee File and Removable Media Protection. For a full list of changes, see the Endpoint Product Removal Tool User Guide (PD27734).

I am not 100% sure if it works but it seems so:

  1. Windows key + R (Run) and type: msconfig.exe
  2. Move to tab [Start up]
  3. Uncheck anything that starts with McAfee. Probably unchecking just [McAfee, Inc.(R) Endpoint Encryption for Files and Folders] suffices.
  4. Do not know if it is necessary but go to tab [Services] and uncheck anything that starts with McAfee.
  5. Restart. You are done.

You can easily check it back the same way. Beware! I do not know if McAfee policy allows to turn it off that way. Could be another question.

Przemyslaw ReminPrzemyslaw Remin

Based on McAfee Knowledge Center

Can users stop the FRP Removable Media services to disable the encryption policy?
No. You can only disable the encryption policy via the FRP Removable Media policy at the ePO server.

So, the only option will be uninstall it, as described on KB81439

The line 'cd Product_Installation_Path' means: you have to go to installed folder, like:

Journeyman Geek
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McAfee File and Removable Media Protection 4.3.0

McAfee File and Removable Media Protection 4.3.0 | 28 Mb

The McAfee Complete Data Protection suite protects your data using a combination of powerful enterprise-grade endpoint encryption and access control. The suite helps you establish and enforce a data protection policy and centralizes data security management using the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) management console. This suite optionally includes management of native encryption for encryption native to Mac and Microsoft Windows PCs*. Additionally, McAfee ePO Deep Command provides remote security management to access Intel vPro-based PCs to implement patches, reset passwords, and remediate broken endpoints. McAfee Complete Data Protection suite offers drive encryption, file & removable media protection, management of native encryption, and ePO Deep Command.

Mcafee Removable Media Protection Do…

The McAfee Complete Data Protection suite helps:
Protect your data from loss or theft with a blazingly-fast endpoint encryption solution that is FIPS 140-2 and Common Criteria EAL2+ certified, and accelerated by the Intel Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions (Intel AES-NI).

Mcafee Removable Media Encryption

Encrypt storage on desktops, virtual desktop infrastructure workstations, laptops, tablets, and removable media such as CD/DVD and USB flash devices. You control what specific file types and folders are encrypted.
Utilize management of native encryption for Mac with Apple FileVault — soon available for Microsoft BitLocker and native to Microsoft Windows.
Extend the reach of IT with Intel vPro and Intel Active Management Technology-based platforms for secure remote access, regardless of PC power or encrypted state.
Deploy and provision with confidence with the Endpoint Encryption Go utility to ensure your endpoints have passed pre-encryption inspections and on-going health monitoring.
Use advanced reporting and auditing capabilities to quickly and easily demonstrate security compliance to internal and external auditors, and other key stakeholders.Removable
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Mcafee Removable Media Protection App

Mcafee Removable Media Protection Password

Huge Mirror for V.I.P Members

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