Marvell Avastar Wireless-n Network Controller Driver

Posted by4 years ago
  1. When the wireless network stops working on your Surface, it’s very likely due to your Marvell Avastar Wireless-AC Network Controller driver. The good news is you can fix it easily by yourself. Here’re 2 options you can try to fix this problem. Choose the one you prefer.
  2. Download drivers for Marvell AVASTAR Wireless-AC Network Controller Wi-Fi device, or download DriverPack Solution software for automatic driver download and update Popular Drivers Marvell AVASTAR 350N Wireless Network Controller Marvell 92xx SATA 6G Controller Marvell 91xx SATA 6G Controller Marvell 64xx/63xx SAS Controller.

Hello, all. I come here as a non-owner of Surface, but more on the behalf of a family member who the Surface belongs to that I'm trying to help out. Anyway, the issue at hand is that for whatever reason, there isn’t a network driver by default available, or something along these lines. When accessing the network settings, followed by troubleshooting the fact that there are no connections available (despite that multiple other devices in the house are able to connect just fine, and the device is in good range), the message given is:

“Windows did not detect a properly installed network adapter. If you have a network adapter, you will need to re-install the driver.”

If Wi-Fi settings are missing on your Surface, Wi-Fi may be disabled in Device Manager. Select the search box in the taskbar, enter device manager, and in the search results select Device Manager. Select the arrow next to Network adapters to expand the adapters list, and check to see if the Marvell AVASTAR Network Controller is listed.

Alrighty, so I head into the device manager, and look for a network adapter, “wifi”, etc. section, but none seem to exist. There seems to be what Windows is telling me, obviously. My first thought was, “maybe it got accidentally deleted somehow.” I went ahead and looked around the device a bit more for some solutions before proceeding to do a refresh, thinking that any deleted files would be restored…or not. Ended up trying this twice just in case there was some issue the first time, but alas, still no network drivers popped up. Snooped around the system a bit more and found the “legacy drivers” option, which in turn did have some network adapter options. Under Marvell, there was a driver for “Marvell AVASTAR Wireless-N Network Controller” to which I thought “oh, finally, why couldn’t that have been easier!” Went ahead and added it in, but then it gave error code 31, saying that Windows cannot load the drivers required for the device, which would cause the device to not work properly.

At this point, I started to explore the reset/reinstall options a bit more that I had noticed when I originally tried to “refresh” the system. I ended up doing the “just files” remove/reinstall option once, and the “fully clean the drive” option twice, again for good measure. Surely, this should’ve solved the issue, seeing as it would ideally just put back the network drivers that were in use for however long the family member has had the device. Somehow, this didn’t end up proving true. I went ahead and tried putting the legacy Marvell driver back in place to see if it would work now that the system was ‘fresh’, but no difference from before.

I finally turned to Google which found some others faced with what I identified as a similar issue, though unfortunately the solutions did not bear positive results for my situation. I tried many things, such as:

Uninstalling the driver, then scanning for new hardware Uninstalling the driver (but not remove entirely), then rebooting the device, which should’ve seen the adapter reappear working as it should be Downloading the latest recovery image from Microsoft’s site, and reinstalling that, just in case

No luck.


Additional info:

Using “netsh alan show drivers” reports “There is no wireless interface on the system.” Using “nets alan report issues” reports that “There is no smart trace log file to report at C:/Windows/tracing/wireless”.

Marvell Avastar Wireless-n Network Controller (sdio) Driver Windows Rt

There may be some other things that I’ve tried that I may be forgetting, but in general, have been trying a number of things with no solution. So…um….anything else that I could potentially do to finally get it working again?


EK-FC1080 GTX Ti Aorus is a novelty by EKWB, meant for Gigabyte Aorus GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 3D cards. This water block transfers heat from the GPU, memory chipsets and voltage controllers.
The latest product possesses a central split-flow cooling system ensuring the highest chilling productivity. Moreover, low hydrodynamic resistance allows using the water unit even with pumps of low capacity.
The novelties will be available in two versions. The copper base in both cases will be nickelized, and the top is produced out of POM Acetal material or out of acrylic plastic. The second variant has two 3 mm holes for LEDs.

Marvell Avastar Wireless Driver

The price is the same for the two options and constitutes about 115 EUR. Preordering is already launched, and shipments start is planned for May 31st. Customers may also purchase a special plate to mount it at the backside of the PC-board. The black one costs 30 EUR, and the nickelized — 38 EUR.