Apostila Ingles Uptime Windows

Inglés Técnico
Clara Isabel Polo Benito lván López Montalbán Sara Davis
Inglés Técnico
Inglés Técnico Clara Isabel Polo Benito Iván López Montalbán Sara Davis
ISBN: 978-84-9281-289-9 IBERGARCETA PUBLICACIONES, S.L., Madrid 2011 Edición : l.ª Impresión : 2.ª N.0 de páginas: 166 Formato : 20 x 26 cm
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COPYRIGHT © 2011 IBERGARCETA PUBLICACIONES, S.L. [email protected] .es
I nglés Técnico © Clara Isabel Polo Benito , Iván López Montalbán, Sara Davis l. ª edición, 2.' impresión 01 : 169/ 2013
I SBN : 978-84-9281 - 289-9 Deposito Legal: M-33365-2011 Imagen de cubierta :© Andy_ fotolia .com Impresión : PRINT HOUSE, marca reg istrada de Copiar, S. A.
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Indice PRÓLOGO... . ...... .. ... . . ... . . .. . ...... . .... . .. ...... . .. . .... . .... ... .. . . . . . . . . ....... . ... . . ... . .
SECTION1.HARDWARE Unit 1. The Computer World . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit 2. History of Computers
Unit 3. Networking Hardware
Unit 4. Microprocessors and Motherboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SECT/ON 2. SOFTWARE Unit 5. Development Tools . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit 6. Software Licenses. Proprietary and Open Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit 7. Databases and Office Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit 8. Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . .
SECTION.$. INTERNJ:r Unit 9. Unraveling TCP-IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit 1O. Internet Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .
Unit 11. The Web 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit 12. lnformation Security Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SECT/ON 4. THE l. T. SPECIALIST Unit 13. Roles and Occupations
.. . .. .. .. . .. .... .. .. .•. .. ....•..•. .•.. .. . ... ..•... . .. .. ..•.. . .. . . .. ..
Unit 14. Erasmus. Studying and Working Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SECTION1.HARDWARE Unit 1. The Computer World
Taxonomy of computers. Personal Computers
Computer parts
Unit 2. History of Computers
History of 4 characters
Peripheral devices
Unit 3. Networking Hardware
Comunications layers
How to assemble a PC
Unit 4. Microprocessors and Motherboards
lntroducing basic hardware
Parts of a motherboard
Unit 5. Development Tools
Types of development tools
Eclipse Menu
Unit 6. Software Licenses. Proprietary and Open Source
Free software vs freeware
Licenses vocabulary
Modal verbs
Unit 7. Databases and Office Automation
Software for the office
Office vocabulary
Unit 8. Operating Systems
Structure of an O.S.
Window parts
Relative Clauses
Unit 9. Unraveling TCP-IP
Internet and TCP-IP
Communications Word Puzzle
Passive voice
Unit 1O. Internet Services .
Email, news, irc & file transfer protocol
HTML Document
lnfinitive vs -ing
Unit 11 . The Web 2.0
What's the Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 technology
Word formation
Unit 12. lnformation Security Services
lntroduction to Security Serví ces
Security vocabulary
Conditional Sent.
SECTION 4. THE l. T. SPECIALIST Unit 13. Roles and Occupations
Two job offers
Job profiles
Reported speech
Unit 14. Erasmus. Studying and Working Abroad
Marta's personal experience
Studying abroad vocabulary
Jobs & computers
Description of 4 laptops
Making a hotel reservation
Pronunciation: -ed and -s
Imagine the world without computers
Capital letters
adv/disv. of modern technology
Too and enough
Hollerith's biography and IBM Steve Wozniak's press
Booking a flight
conference In a shop
Comparing two motherboards
SECTION 2. SOFTWARE Noun phrases
Video game
email advice about viruses
Writing reports
Report for the school principal: sw and hw
Nominal relative clauses
Demo: how to make a php application Richard Stallman / GNU
Taking a taxi
Buying MS office in a shop
Checking in and out
The POST (Power on Self Test)
32 or 64 bit OS?
Another, other, the other, the others
The best websites
Keyboard parts
Description of devices
Writing a formal letter
Job application letter
How to create a blog Setting up a computer company
The stuxnet virus
Doctor's appointment
Turism & pickpockets
Writing a C .V
Setting up a computer company
Giving tec hnical assistance
Ordering in a restaurant
False friends
Writing a post
An interview for a job
IT Facilities
Renting an apartment
Prólogo Este libro está orientado a mejorar la competencia lingüística en la lengua inglesa de estudiantes de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. El libro está estructurado en 4 secciones: Hardware, Software, Internet y The l.T. Specialist para cubrir todos los aspectos técnicos que deban afrontar estos profesionales. Desde la lectura y comprensión de manuales técnicos hasta la asistencia técnica al usuario en lengua inglesa. Esto se aborda a través de textos en inglés, audiciones y ejercicios con distinto nivel de dificultad: READINGS: Lecturas de textos de alto nivel científico-técnico con numerosas claves para su explotación didáctica. LANGUAGE FOCUS: El libro ofrece un resumen de las principales características gramaticales de la lengua inglesa que ayudarán de forma definitiva al estudiante a perfeccionar su dominio de la lengua. SPEAKINGS/WR/TINGS: Ejercicios que se centran en las destrezas productivas de la lengua para que los estudiantes alcancen mayor fluidez oral y escrita. LISTENINGS: Ejercicios de todos los niveles para 'ayudar al estudiante a afrontar díferentes situaciones de su vida profesional. ENGLISH IN CONTEXT: Ejercicios destinados a abordar situaciones en la vida cotidiana.
Una vez presentado el contenido del libro, solo nos queda agradecer a una serie de personas su colaboración. Thanks to: Bruce & Glenna Will Hope Walton Wade Padgett far their help & support
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UNIT 1 The Computer World WARM UP
1º SMR. Composition: writing about this question.(28-0915)
- What do you use a computer for? - How many kinds of computers do you know? Can you mention sorne of their features? - What kind of job do you think you can get after finishing your degree?
Inglés Técnico
READING Computers, along with the Internet, are undoubtedly the most important inventions in human history. They have changed our lives and our culture in unimaginable ways. Who can think of a world without computers nowadays? Computers are everywhere; daily tasks such as checking email or advanced calculations like climate change predictions make computers essential even to just preserve existence. We cannot forget the Internet, the worldwide computer network that allows us to combine the power of rnillions of computers and undertake projects which would have seemed like science fiction only 20 years ago.
Taxonomy of Computers There are many types of computers, each specially designed for its own purpose. They can be sorted into two main categories, Personal Computers (PCs), those directed to comrnon people, and Servers, designed to provide professional services to organizations, and normally controlled by lnformation Technology (l.T.) professionals.
Personal Computers Desktop Computers These are the most common type, mainly because they are used by nonprofessionals for general purposes (word processing, household accounting, videogames, etc.). It is likely to find stand-alone desktop computers, that is, desktop PCs which are not connected to the Internet or any kind of network.
Workstations It is not easy to distinguish workstations from desktop computers. In fact, they look very much alike. The only difference is that a workstation has a more powerful processor and more RAM memory, and they are used by people to do their jobs. They are often connected to private networks (intranets) orto public networks (Internet).
Unit 1: The Computer World
Laptops or Notebooks These are portable PCs that integrate the keyboard, the screen and a pointing device (normally a touchpad or a trackball working as a mouse), along with all the processing hardware like a processor, memory, etc.
Netbook These are small versions of laptops; they are even more portable and cheaper than laptops. However, their processing power is lirnited although they can run any type of application. This is due to the fact that their components are less powerful than those of regularlaptops. Smartphones & PDAs This type of computer is also called palmtops or handheld computers, and they refer to those computers built to be held with a hand. Normally these computers run a reduced operating system providing the ability to also work as a telephone or as personal information manager (PDA is the acronym for Personal Digital Assistant). They also include web browsers to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, audio and media players that are very easily managed through their touchscreens. It is becorning increasingly common to include a QWERTY keyboard to make it easier to type long sms messages or emails.
Pad computers A pad is a tablet computer resulting from the integration of a.smartphone with a laptop computer. lt is designed primarily as a platform for audio visual media including e-books, music, movies, magazines, etc. It provides an Internet connection through broadband Internet phone services.
Inglés Técnico
Wearable computers Many experts think that these computers are the future of personal computing. They are called wearable because you can wear them just as you wear clothes. They will help us to evolve by improving our 5 traditional senses beyond our imagnation.
Servers Servers Servers are enhanced PCs dedicated to running programs that offer services to other computers. They have to be connected to networks to be able to offer their services and to share their resources with other computers. They need to be very powerful. In order to satisfy the demand of the client computers, the hardware needs to be very sophisticated, resulting in the most expensive type of computers.
Mainframe Today it is very rare to find a mainframe because they have been replaced by less obsolete servers. A mainframe is a huge sized computer capable of serving many workstations. They were lised by banks to $tore aU the information related to customers, loans, etc. Clusters A cluster is a group of linked servers, typically mounted in racks. All these servers in the rack are connected through high speed fiber-optic networks to work as a single computer. Supercomputers They are highly-tuned computer clusters using multi-core processors to perform advancecl calculations. They are used mainly for scientific purposes such as climate change control, brain simulation, microbiology models, etc.
Unit 1: The Computer World
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-ldentify the type of computer the following sentences refer to .
SMR1.Para el próximo día, 26.10.15 . a)
lt is a computer that you can wear.
Banks used to work with these computers to store information.
lt is a platform for audio visual media.
d) They run a reduced operating system. e) They are smaller and less powerful than laptops. f) They are very powerful computers connected to networks.
g) lt is a group of servers that work as a single computer. h) lts pointing device is usually a touchpad or a trackball. i) These are complex clusters.
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There are two main categories of computers. b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There is no difference between a desktop and a workstation. e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The calculations concerning climate change can be done with a desktop. d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smartphones include web browsers. e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pad computers do not provide an intemet connection. f)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wearable computers are typically mounted in racks.
g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Servers have sophisticated inexpensive hardware. h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mainframes are hu ge modern servers. i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard wire is used to connect servers in a cluster.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
Inglés Técnico
VOCABULARY Parts of a computer. ldentify the components of this computer:
Unit 1: The Computer World
PRESENT SIMPLE lt is used to talk about: 1. Habitual actions. e.g. The manager attends that meeting once ayear. 2. Permanent states. e.g. She works as a database administrator. 3. Feelings and emotions. e.g. //ove typing. 4. Schedules. e.g. The /esson begins at 9. 5. Timeless, general truth. e.g. When you press Enter, the program runs. 6. lt is also used with verbs of senses (hear, taste, see, smell} e.g. lt sme/ls of burnt wire. PRESENT CONTINUOUS lt is used:
1. To talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking. e.g. lm reading a book. 2. To describe actions happening in a period around the present but not necessarily at the moment. e.g. lm learning Chinese. These actions are temporary.
3. To talk about arrangements and future plans. lt is necessary to mention when. e.g. She isn 't coming to the meeting on Tuesday. 4. To talk about repetitive actions showing certain disapproval. The adverb 'always' is often used. e.g. She is a/ways complaining. PRESENT PERFECT lt is used:
1. To talk about a past action that took place in a recent past. e.g. I haven 't seen my teacher today. We can say it is a past action but it has an influence on the present or it is relevant to the present somehow. 2. To talk about a past action when the time is not stated. e.g. She has written a book. · 3. With adverbs such as just, yet, already, and prepositions like since and for. e.g. They have just finished their project. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS lt expresses an action that started in the past but is still going on. The prepositions for and since are often used. The speaker emphasizes duration. e.g. John has been surfing the internet for 7 hours non-stop.
PRACTICE 1.-Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
have purchased a) We ... ... . ....... ........ .. . .... .... ... (purchase) a wireless mouse this morning. facing) b) We ...face/(are ... ............ . ....... . .... .. .. . (face) an ever-changing world in IT at present. houses e) The chassis .. ..... ............. ........ .... .... (house) the main electronic components.
Inglés Técnico
d) This icon . ... .. ....allows ... . ..... ..... . ....... . ... (allow) the user to choose the language.
isn´t ... sticking e) When having problems with the printer, malee sure the paper .............. ..... ... ... ...... . . (not stick) together. has just learnt f) My son ... ................... .. .. ........ .. (just learn) how to use the mouse. .. . ............... ... .. . ..... .. (go) off while you . ..... . . .. ... . ... .. ... . ... ... ... .... (copy ), g) If power .... .goes
you may lose information. h) A wiki .... ...... . ................ (provide) a simplified interface. i) The podcaster first . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .... . .. .............. .. .. . .. ...... (save) the file as an MP3 and then .. , .... . ... .. .. . ....... . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. (upload) it to the Web site of a service provider. j) Wireless router technology ... ... .. .. ............. ... ... .. ... .. ( improve) in recent years. k) Our equipments .. .... . .... . .... . . .. . .. . ............ ( meet) the requirements of the European
Union Safety Rules. 1) Now your clients ................. ....... .... .... . . . . (try) to build strategic frameworks abroad. m) Brian . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . ..... . ..... . . . ... (work) as a database administrator for 10 years and he still likes his jób. n) We .... .. .. . . .. . . ....... .. .... . ........ (provide) standard packages to meet your basic needs.
2.-Write questions for the words in bold in exercise 1. a)
. ...... .. .. . .. . . ... ... .... . ..... .. . .. .......... . .. . ... ..... . ..... ... ...... ........ ..... , ...... . .......... ?
b) . . .. ... ........ .. .......... . ....... . .. .... .......... . . ...... . ..... ... .. . .. .. . ......... . . ...... .... .... ... ?
. .. . ............ . ................... .. .... ..... . .. . . ....................... . ...... . ....... .. . .. . .. ....... ?
. . .. .. . ... ..... . .. . . ... .. .. ... .... .. . .. .. . . . . . ...... . . . ... ...... .. ... .... · ······· .. . .. .. .... .... .. .... ... ?
..... .... .... . .. : . .. . ............... .. . .. .. . . . ........................... ..... ...... . ................. ... ?
. .... . ........... . ........... ... ... ... ... .......... ... .. . ..... . .. . . . .......... . . ..... .. ........... .. . . ... ?
.................. ... .. .. .... ..... .. ········· .. .. ...................... ... . ....... .. ...... ....... .. ..... . ?
............. .. ....... ... ........ ... . ... ..... ..... ..... . ..... ... ....... .. .. .... . .. ... ...... ... ...... .. .. . ?
. .... . . .. .. . . ................ .. . ... . . . ..... . ... .. .......... . . .... . .......... . ....... . .... . ... . . .. . .. . . ... ?
Unit 1: The Computer World
j) .... . . . . ... . . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. .... .. ... . . . . .. . .. .... . ..... . . . . ...... . . .. . . . .. ... . . .... .. . . . . ... ... . . . . . ... . ? k) ... ... .. ... .... .. .. .... .. .... .. ..... . ... ..... ... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... . .... ...... ... .. .... ...... ... ... .. ... ?
1) ... .... ... .. ... .... .. ... .. . ...... ..... . .. .. ..... ... ....... . ... ..... ...... . .. .... .. ... .. ... . .... .... . ..... ? m) ···· ···· ··· ······· ··· ·· ··· ·· ······· ···· ······· ······ ······ ··· ·· ···· ········· ··· ··· ···· ···· ····· ·· ·· ····· ·? n) .. ........ .. .... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... . ..... ... ........ .... ... . .. ... .. .. ... . .. . ....... .. ... .. ... . .. .. ..... . ?
REMEMBER Word arder in English is fundamental. Did you know that English used to be an inflected language? In those days the different word endings showed the gramrnatical function of a word in a sentence. When those endings disappeared, word arder became essential and in present day English it is even meaningful. Far example, notice the dif ference between:
The man killed the bear Subject
The bear killed the man. Subject
Word order in English:
lndirect object (1) Subject + verb +
} + manner + place+ time (2)
{ Direct object
( 1) If both objects are fully stated, the 10 usually goes first. e.g. I gave Mary a lap top .
If one of the objects is a pronoun, it goes clase to the verb. e.g. She gave it to Paul or She gave him the laptop . When a DO goes first, the IO is preceded by the preposition to. e.g. He gave it to me. (2) Time adverbials can come at the beginning of a sentence for emphasis purposes. When there is more than one time adverbial, the more detailed information is usually given first.
1.-Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: a)
Wrote /smartphone/ a Jetter/ train/ Susan/ on /in /the /her/.
The /sometimes/ your/ process/ slow/ is/ conversion/ on/ PC.
c) He /always/ understand/ does/ teacher' s/ not/ the/ Janguage/ on/ high /explanations/ Jevel. d)
Sent/ birthday/ her/ an /at/ six/ in/ the/ Paul/ morning/ sms/ on/ her/ o ' clock.
Inglés Técnico
SPEAKING Work in pairs and explain the uses of computers for the following jobs.
LISTENING You are going to listen to a shop assistant giving the description of 4 laptops. Fill in the chart and decide which is the best and the worst computer.
Type of processor
Operating System
Hard Disk & Memory capacity
Screen Size
HP Envy 14
Lenovo Think Pad T410
Acer Aspire One Netbook
Unit 1: The Computer World
ENGLISH IN CONTEXT MAKING A HOTEL RESERVATION 1.-Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box below. information
available amount
reservation number
charged number
book after
(Telephone) Desk clerk: Good afternoon, how may 1 help you?
Oliver: Hi, 1 would like to (1) ............................ ... .. .. .......... a room with a twin bed far
2 nights - June 7th and 3th. Do you have anything (2) ..................... ...... ................ . . ?
Desk clerk: Yes, we do. Would you like to make the (3) ..................... .. ........... . .. ..... . .. now? Oliver: Yes, please.
Desk clerk: Alright, we can do that. All 1 need right now is your credit card (4) .. ............... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and contact (5) ............................................. Your card will not
charged be (6) .. ........... ........ .............. .......... today, it will be charged upan arrival. You can .... .. . .... .. .. .. ....... .. .... . cancel your reservation free of charge up to 48 hours (7) ....... .. .. ...prior .. ..... ............. . to staying with us. In this case, you have until June 5th at 3 p.m. to (8) ......cancel
anytime . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . your reservation. Canceling your reservation (9) . .. .... ... ........ ....... . . after that date will result in a charge to your . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) ............................................. amount credit card far the full (11) .................................... . ..... ... of the room. Do you have any questions? ...... ... .. .... . ... .. . ... ...... .. .... is standard. Oliver: No, the cancellation (12) .. ... ... policy
arrive ....... . Desk clerk: In that case, your reservation number is 723-2307-439. When you (13) ....... reservation . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at the hotel, please, be sure to have your (14) .................... . . . . number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . credit card and a farm of identification.
UNIT 2 History of Computers WOMEN IN COMPUTER HISTORY - Did you know that women have played a decisive role in computers history? - Why do you think there aren't many women in the computer's world? - Mattel has released a Barbie computer engineer. Why could they have done that?
Inglés Técnico
READING Read about the following characters:
Ada Byron 1815-1852
Alan Turing 1912-1954
Grace Hooper 1906-1992
Ada Byron or Lady Lovelace, was the daughter of the famous poet, Lord Byron. She has been called 'the first computer programmer,' thanks to her collaboration in 'The analytical engine' by Charles Babbage, an early mechanical generalpurpose computer. At the age of 19, Ada felt fascinated by Charles Babbage designs, and started meeting and working with him. Ada Byron created an algorithm used for calculating Bernoulli series of numbers, which would have run successfully in the analytical engine if this had ever been finished. Thus, she invented the subroutine and noted the importance of looping. NASA named its official primary language ADA after Lady Lovelace.
Alan Turing is considered by most, the father of programming science. He was an English cryptanalyst who worked at the British code breaking center during World War 11. He invented the bombe, an electromechanical device that helped The Allies to decrypt the messages of the German machine enigma, a decisive factor in the final victory. He foresaw in 1937, the creation of computers: He invented the Turing Machine, a theoretical device that processed symbols on a strip of tape according to an algorithm. His ideas influenced John Von Neumann's work, the designer of the architecture on which computers are based today.
Grace Hooper was the chief programmer of the Harvard Mark 1 computer. This computer is considered the first programmable digital computer. lt was made out of switches, relays, rotating shafts and clutches. Grace Hooper is famous, among other things, for coining the word 'bug' to describe a computer error. She found a dead moth in one relay which caused a glitch. When she removed the bug, she solved the problem. From then on, the process of removing coding errors has been called 'debug'. She was a visionary. She programmed the first compiler, the A-0, which translated symbolic mathematical code into machine code. By then, she believed that programs could be written in English instead, so she moved forward and created the B-0, a compiler for Univac, the first commercial computer. B-0 was also called FlowMatic and eventually became COBOL, the language most used by banks and administrations b'efore the hideous Y2K problem carne up.
Unit 2: History of Computers
Steve Wozniak 1950 - today
Hardware Engineer Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer lnc. with Steve Jobs. 'Woz' as sorne called him, was always attracted by technology: He was in contact with the hackers of the ?Os, like the phone phreak, Captain Crunch, the man who was able to make free phone calls with just a whistle, by simulating the tone of 2600 Hz. Wozniak also attended the Homebrew computer club, a club of electronic enthusiasts in Silicon Valley where he shared his designs of his first computer. He has been extremely important in the arrival of personal computers to our lives, mainly because his hardware designs were so ingenious and optimized that computers were affordable for common people. He also developed the operating system for the Apple 1 and introduced highresolution graphics in the Apple 11. The adventure started back in 1976, when Jobs and Wozniak started Apple Computer. By then, they had the idea that they could sell a packaged computer with all functionality needed. This would enable people to work with it without further effort; just plug in and enjoy, unlike its contemporary, the Altair 8800, which required hardware engineering knowledge to make it work. He has been inducted in the US National lnventors Hall of Fame for his patent 'Microcomputer for use with video display'.
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Write down the answers to the following questions. a) b) e) d) e)
Why did NASA name its first official Janguage ADA? What was Ada Byron's most important contribution? What did Allan Turing do for a living during World War II? In what way was the Turing machine the precursor of computers? What was the first digital computer made of? f) What is the difference between A-O compiler and B-0 compiler? g) What are Wozniak's main contributions?
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Babbage is considered the first programrner. b) ... .. . ... . .. .. ............... . Ada Byron invented a subroutine for calculating Bemoulli series of numbers. e) ........ . ......... .... . ....... Ada is the official programming Janguage of the NASA. d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Without Alan Turing the Allies would have lost the world war. e) . ... .... ... ... . ... .. ..... .... . The ideas of Alan Turing were influenced by the work of Von Neumman.
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f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Hooper found a bug blocking a relay.
g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace Hooper invented Cobol. h) . . .......... .. .. .. . .... ..... . . Cobol was infected by a virus called 2YK. i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Wozniak was also called the Phone Phreak. j) ................... ... ....... . Wozniak started the homebrew computer club. k) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanks to Steve Wozniak, we can afford to have a computer at home.
3.-Listen to the texts and check your answers.
VOCABULARY A peripheral device is an electronic device attached to a computer by externa! cables such as network, serial or parare! cables. They do not belong to the computer itself, but they work together in extending computer's functionality.
Fill in the blanks with the name of the following devices, explain their uses and organize them into input, output, or input-output devices:
Unit 2: History of Computers
e D
H 1
LANGUAGE FOCUS PAST SIMPLE* - lt is used to talk about actions or situations in the past without any connection to the present. - lt needs a time reference, explicit or implicit by context. e.g. We finished our project /ast month.
PAST CONTINUOUS* lt is used to talk about: - An action in progress at a certain point in the past. e.g. This time /ast year I was working on an international project. - An action in progress interrupted by another action. e.g. I was surfing the net when I saw that gruesome picture on my screen. 1
- Parallel actions in progress in the past. e.g. While he was doing the graphics, 1 was writing the text.
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- lt refers to a past action that took place before another past action. e.g. By the time I asked him to make a back-up he had erased sorne of the files.
Again, it refers to a past action that took place before another past action, but now the emphasis is placed on the duration of the first action. e.g. She had been working for hours before her boss phoned her. • Spelling rule: when the base form has one syllable, ending in a single consonant and preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant is doubled befare -er/-est, -ed, -ing, -able, -en. e.g. stopped , running.
PRACTICE 1.-An Wang, a well-known engineer, was born in Shanghai, China, in 1920. Rewrite his biography using a past tense.
In 1945 he leaves China to continue bis education at Harvard University. He gets bis master's degree in communications engineering and later, completes a doctorate degree in engineering and applied physics. In 1948 Howard Aiken hires Wang to work at the Harvard Computation laboratory, which has built one of the first digital computers a few years earlier. Wang's job consists of developing a way to store and retrieve data in a computer using magnetic devices. He develops a process where one can read the information which is stored in a magnetized ring by passing a current around it. Many people become interested in the idea of magnetic core storage of information. In 1950 he publishes the results of bis research and patents bis invention. 2.-Work in pairs. Students take turns in asking and answering questions about Wang's biography using: when, who, where and what. . ... . . ···· · ·· · ······· · ·· · ·· . . . . . . . .. ..... . ........... . ...... . ? .... .. ... ···· · ·· ·· ·· · ···· .. . . . ... ...... . ........... . . ... .. .... . . . .. . .. . . . . .. ... . . ...... ... ··· · · · ····· ....... . .... ? .. . . ......... . .......... ........................... . .... .. ....... ... ...... ..... ... ..... . .. ... ... . .... .. .......... ? ......................... . .. . ... . ... .... ........... . .. ..... .. . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . · ·· ·· ·· · . . . ... .. . ................... ? .. ....................... ........... . ........ . . . .. . .
.. .. .. . .. ......... .... . .... . ... .. ... .. .... ... ... . ·· · ········ · ? ......... . .... . .......... ...... ..... ... ...... ... .. . . . ... ·· · ······ · ···· · ···· ....... . .... .. ........ ·· · ····· ··· .. . .. ? ................... . .. . ..... .. .............. ··· · ····
Unit 2: History of Computers
REMEMBER 1) -ED is pronounced in three different ways, depending on the preceding sound. a) When -ed is preceded by /p/ /kJ /si /f/ or (as in 'thing'), -ed sounds like
/ti. b) When -ed is preceded by /ti or /di, it sounds like /id/. c) When -ed is preceded by any other sound, it is pronounced like /di.
2) A similar pattern is found when -s is added to a plural noun or to a verb in 3rd person singular of Present Simple. a) When - sis preceded by /p/ /ti /kJ /f/ or (as in 'thing'), then -sis pronounced /si (voiceless). b) When -s is preceded by another sibilant sound, /si lzl 11 , then -s is pronounced /iz/. c) When -sis preceded by any other sound, -sis pronounced /z/ (voiced). Classify the following verbs according to their final sound: pressed
sol ved
manufactured u sed connected
/ti pressed checked reached watched laughed talked stopped dropped
pressed used dropped talked stopped
/d/ displayed removed plugged solved scrolled manufactured used installed changed solved manufactured reached displayed scrolled watched installed checked laughed removed plugged changed
/id/ printed selected lifted adpated connected wanted admitted printed selected wanted admited lifted adapted
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Viernes 13-Dic-13 Pendiente para después de Navidad
Write a short composition about what life was like without computers 100 years ago. Imagine the world back in those days (hospitals, banks, schools, the army ... )
LISTENING Listen to Sara Davis talking about how IBM was founded and choose the best option. l. The U.S ................................................. states that the census must be taken every
10 years. a.- Congress
2. Herman Hollerith proposed the use of ............................................... . a.-Jacque's technique
b.-punched cards
3. This development was used far the next .. ........ .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. .... . ...... ... . .. .. .. years of tabulating and computing data input.
4. Hollerith built a company named .. ..... ................ . . .... .... .............. . a.-Tabulating and Computing
b.-Target business
c.- Tabulating Machine Company.
Unit 2: History of Computers
5. In 1911 Hollerith sold his company to ....... ....... ..... .. .......................... . a.-Charles Flint
b.-Charles Finn
c.-Charley Fling
6. . ........................... ......... ... ........ companies merged into CTR. a.-Four
7. Of ali manufactured products by CTR, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . was relevant for the development of computers. a.-automatic meat slicer
b.-Time-keeping system
c.-punched card equipment.
8. CTR ....... ...... . .... .. ... ......... . ....... ........ IBM. a.-adapted
UNIT 3 Networking Hardware WARM UP - Do you have a network in your house? - What devices are connected to it?
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Viernes 13-Dic-13
A network is a set of computers working together , sending and receiving data to one another through cables or electromagnetic waves. Ali the computers share their resources and cooperate to perfonn complex tasks. Like the human brain' s network of neurons gives us intelligence, computer networks will provide humankind with a meta-intelligence that will guide us towards a new age. This will be possible thanks to the evolution of networking hardware, which nowadays is the base ofhow the Internet works. Networking hardware is usually organized in layers: Layer l. Physical Layer. This !ayer involves cables, connectors and the necessary equipment to access the media where the infonnation is transported. The most important hardware at this leve! is the network interface card (NIC). This device has either a cable connector ora wireless receiver that will send/receive data to/from tbe media. Layer 2. Link layer. Devices belonging to this !ayer will link computers in the same network segment. For instance, a switch will join ali the cables connecting each computer to a dif ferent port, fonning an Ethernet network. To deliver data to its correct destination, the switch will examine the packet to locate where the information is addressed and then, forwarded to the right port.
Network interface Cards
ports Network Cable
Unit 3: Networking Hardware
Layer 3. Network layer. The devices in this Jayer will deliver infonnation across networks. For example, a router is a layer 3 device. Routers are the ligaments of the Internet. They are connected to severa! networks through multiple interfaces in the same way that ligaments connect the bones of our bodies. Their main function is to send information from one network to another . Thus, a file sent by a computer in Spain to another computer in the U.S. Internet will be redirected by many routers along the Internet until it reaches its destination.
......... ·----------------
Port to Network 1
:_~ :
__ _____ ,
Port to Network 2
Layer 4. Transport layer. Many advanced routers have layer 4 functionality. That involves data filtering and sending incoming packets to one or more computers depending on the excessive traf fic in the network (load balancing).
Ali of these layers are related to the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model, which subdivides communication systems in 7 layers. The layers from 5 to 7 are usually embedded in the software of the Operating System. Many household network devices can be considered multilayer devices. For example, a typical DSL Wireless router is both a router (level 3) anda switch (level 2). It is a switch because many computers can be connected to the ports forming a wired network segment. It is also a wireless access point because some computers can be connected to the wireless receptor forming a wireless netw.ork · segrnent. And finally, it is a router with 3 interfaces, one interface to the telephone line (Internet), one interface to the wireless network segment, and one to the wired network segment.
Route to w;reles:::::h:~n~:,::, /
LEVEL 3 functions (Routing)
Route to wired network segment
LEVEL 2 functions (Creating Ethernet network)
1 Switch with 4 ports
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Práctica 7-3 Viernes 13-Dic-13
1.-Read the text and answer these questions.
a) How is networking infrastructure organized? the network is structured in layers b) What is the most important hardware device in layer 1 and what does it do?
network interface card, it provides internet to pc
c) What does a router do? Their main function is to send information
from one network to another . data filtering e) Where are layers 5, 6 and 7 usually located? In software the computer
d) What does a router with )ayer 4 functionality do?
f) Why is a DSL wireless router a multilayer device?
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer.
Práctica 7-4 Viernes 13-Dic-13
a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A network is a set of computers working at the same time.
b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The network interface card has a wireless receiver.
c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A switch is an essential device in a network because it delivers data to its correct destination.
d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The devices in the network layer send and receive information across networks.
e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Routers are connected to a network through several interfaces.
f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. All routers have a transport layer.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
Práctica 8-1 // Viernes 10-Ene-14
Use the following verbs and nouns to explain how to assemble a personal computer:
attach insert plug
power supply
graphics card
heat sink
thermal compound fastener
connect cables slots
motherboard hard drive
Unit 3: Networking Hardware
1. Open the side
doors of the computer case.
heat. 5. Place the ...........
.. ...... .... ... and fan on top of the processor
insert 2.- ...... ... ... ........ . the ..power .. ......... .....supply .. .
run ..... .... . and ...........
secure.... . and .. .............. it with the ....... .... .
the screws until they are tight.
install 3 . .... .. ... ... ......... the
6. Lay the case on its
memory ................. .
put . side and .. ............
modules ... ........ .. ...... .... .... in slots . their .....................
. .. ........ ........ the
motherboard . .............. .. .. in place tightening the screws.
4. lnsert the
connect 7. ............... ... .
processor in its .... . .
drive the hard .... ............. .. and
socket ...... ...... ......... and
the optical drive to the SATA
apply ............. .... ... .
thermal compound
remove 8 ......... ............. a back plate on the
attach case and .... ..... .. ... .
9 . plug .... .. .. ... ... . all the
cables ............... and ...... connect the keyboard and screen .
.... ...... ...... .. the
graphics card
1O. Start the
check computer and .... .... . . . . . . . . . . if the system
turn ....... .. ...... properly.
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LANGUAGE FOCUS FUTURE There is no future tense in English as such, so there are different verb forms to talk about future time.
WILL + lnfinitive
lt is used: - When we make plain statements about the future. e.g. I will learn ali about that operating system. - To make predictions. e.g. The game you designed will be a commercial success. - To make promises. e.g. Don 't worry, I will fix your computer. / promise. - When you are making a decision at the moment of speaking. e.g. I think / will reset the computer to so/ve the problem.
lt is used to talk about: - Actions that will be in progress at a certain future time. e.g. At this time next year; 171 be working for an important company.
- Programmed actions. e.g. The manager will be attending a meeting tomorrow morning.
WILL HAVE + Past Participle
lt is used to talk about actions that will be finished at a certain point in the future. e.g. They will have designed a new application by next month.
BE GOING TO + lnfinitive
lt is used: - To express intention. e.g. rm going to design a new website. - To talk about future plans. e.g. They are going to open a new office in Spain. - When there is evidence in the present that something is going to happen. e.g. They haven 't tested it long enough, it is going to be
a failure.
As we mentioned in chapter 1, it is used to talk about future plans when arrangements are already made. lt is necessary to have a time reference. e.g. They are visiting a new dealer next week.
lt is used when we talk about schedules. e.g. The /ecture starts at 19:30.
Unit 3: Networking Hardware
Práctica 8-2 // Viernes 10-Ene-14
1.-Fill in the gaps using the correct future form of the verb in brackets. a)
will connect We ....... .. ...... .. .. . ........ (connect) all the computers by 3 o'clock tomorrow.
When the ink supply is used up, the printer .. ..... . .................... (stop) printing.
Upon receipt of the faulty item, SP Lab .. ...... . .......... . .. .. .... (process) your request and arrange a return or replacement.
presenting . .. . ... . (present) new software at the IT Intemational Tomorrow at 4 pm we will . .... ............... Center.
be working(work) closely with the members ofthe New technological Center. ............................ We will
Compressing a file ... .. .... ............ . ..... . (not affect) data integrity.
Práctica 8-3 // Viernes 10-Ene-14
2.-This is what a journalist has found out about the arrangements made by Dalope, a company that is changing its location. What questions has he asked in order to find out the following information?
• • • • • •
Closing factory in LA. - July 27th. Opening factory in Buenos Aires - August 3oth. Manager assistants moving to Buenos Aires - last week of July. lnterviewing qualified workers - First week of August .(7 days). Hiring 40 workers- August 10th. Workers· training period - 15 days in August.
e.g. Where is Dalope closing afactory? It is closing the factory in L.A .
..... ... .......... .. .. ......... . ..... ........... . . ........ ..... ..... ... ... .. ............. .. . .... ......... ? . . ..... ... ... .... .. ... ......... ... .................. .... ..... . .... . .. .. .............................. ... . ? ........ .. ......... .. . ...... ... . ........... ........ ... .... .. . ..... ....... .. .... ...... ... ...... . ......... . ?
....................... ....... .. ........ ....... ................. ....... ................................ ... ?
···· ············ ·· ···· ······ ··········· ····· ·····························································? ...................... . ... .............. ..... ...... .. ..·...... . ....... . ............. .. .... ....... . ........ ?
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Práctica 8-4 // Viernes 10-Ene-14
REMEMBER We use capital letters for: - Proper nouns (personal names, geographical features, streets .. .) e.g. Margaret hasn 't installed Windows 7 yet. - Days of the week and months. e.g. 111 send it on Monday. - Nouns and adjectives referring to nationality. e.g. This i-phone is Japanese. - First person singular. e.g. Nobody knows how J connected both printers. - Titles of songs, books and movies. e.g. J /ike the book Computer for Beginners.
Read the post-it that the manager assistant left on Paurs desk and write capital letters where necessary.
paul, i need your report on known bugs by thursday at the latest. mr. evans is attending a meeting with s.p. corporation on friday and he needs to know the results of the testing done beforehand. Keep in mind that those results will be published in next month's issue of updated computer, so please, be conscientious. SUSAN
WRITING What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology? Think of the effects on the environment and on mental and physical health.
Unit 3: Networking Hardware
USEFUL EXPRESSIONS In my opinion/From my point of view On the one hand ... on the other...
We must keep/bear in mind Firstly,
Sorne drawbacks Finally,
Práctica 9-1 // Viernes 17-Ene-14
1.-You are going to listen to Steve Wozniak's press conference in Spain. Say whether these statements are true or false, if false, explain why.
1. The most important events for Steve Wozniak are his speeches to technology organizations. 2. Steve Wozniak considers the antenna problem of the iPhone a tiny but important problem. 3. Steve Wozniak thinks people criticize Apple for being so good with their products. 4. Steve Wozniak cannot cause the bug in his IPhone. 5. Steve Wozniak thinks there aren' t many successful companies right now in Silicon Valley. 6. Steve Wozniak criticizes Google for acting like Microsoft. 7. Steve Wozniak still works for Apple and he is still being paid for it. 8. Steve Wozniak doesn' t get along with Steve Jobs anymore. 9. Steve Wozniak thinks he has succeeded keeping his youthful idealism through life. 10. Steve Wozniak regrets quitting his job in Apple. Práctica 9-2 // Viernes 17-Ene-14
2.-Answer the following questions based on Steve Wozniak's press conference.
1. Steve Wozniak travels ~óund the world speaking to different companies and organizations on a wide range of topics. Which 4 types of comparÍies and/or organizations does he mention? 2. Has Steve Wozniak hada problem with the antenna? 3. How does Steve Wozniak describe the antenna problem? 4. According to Steve Wozniak, does the problem affect a large number of people? 5. What does Steve Wozniak say Google has the potential of being? 6. Describe the relationship between Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. 7. Why does Steve Wozniak prefer to be on the outside of Apple? 8. How does Steve Wozniak describe young people? 9. What does Steve Wozniak say he wants to keep through life? 1O. According to the listening, how do people describe Steve Wozniak?
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Práctica 9-3 // Viernes 17-Ene-14
ENGLISH IN CONTEXT BOOKING A FLIGHT WITH A TRAVEL AGENCY 1.-Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the box below.
connecting leaves estimated check
round suitcase
deal baggage
international aisle
boarding pass
fee delays schedule
Abby: Hi, l'd like to book a flight from Colombos, Ohio to Madrid, Spain. Can yoo help me find the best ( 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? Travel agent: Sore, no problem. Do yoo need a one-way ticket or (2) ... ... .. .... ... .. ..... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trip? Abby: I will be staying far 10 months. Can I book the (3) ... .. . ..... .. . . ... . ... ........ ..... . .. .... . . . flight now? I need to leave on Aogost ¡ 7th and retom on Jone 1st. Travel agent: Yes, we can do that. Since this is an (4) ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ..... . ... .. .. . .. ..... ...... . flight, yoo will need to have yoor passport with yoo to (5) ..... .. .. ....... . ... ..... ... . .......... . ... . . the plane. Abby: Ok, that's fine; I already got it a month ago. Travel agent: Do yoo prefer a window seat oran (6) . .. . ... .. .. ...... .. .. .. . ..... ... . ....... ... .. seat? Abby: I woold like a window seat if that's possible. Travel agent: Alright, the cheapest flight I coold find (7) on Aogost 17th at 2 p.m. Yoo will have a (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flight in Philadelphia. If there are no (9) .... .. .. .. .. ........ . .. . .... .. .. .. .. ... ...... yoo will arrive in Madrid at 8 a.m. the ( 1O) .... . ...... . .. ... .. . .. .. ... .... ... .. . . . . ..... morning. On Jo ne 1st, yoor flight will ( 11) .. . ... ... .. . .... .. .. . .... .. ... ........ ....... from Madrid at 2:30 p.m. Yoo will have a connecting flight in New York City and yoor (12) . ......... .. . ... .. ... ... ...... ... .. . .. .. .... .. .. .. ... . time of (13) ... ................. . .. .. in Colombos is 10:40 p.m. What do yoo think?
Unit 3: Networking Hardware
Abby: That sounds great to me. This is my first time (14) ............ .. .... ............. ... ... ..... .. . can you give me sorne ( 15) ........... ... . . ... ..... ................. .... for the airport? Travel agent: Sure, when you get to the airport, yo u will need to ( 16) ............. ... .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your baggage with the (17) ........ ................ . .................... you will be flying with. They will give you your (18) .... .. .......... ......... .............. .... .. at the desk after you show them your passport and check your ( 19) ........ ....... ... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You will have to go through (20) ............. ....... .......... ...... .. ...... . when you arrive in Madrid and then again in New York City when you return. When you arrive at the (21) ................... .. ........ .. .. ...... ...... of your connecting flights, you should check to see if the flights are on (22) .... ......................................... or (23) ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do you have any other questions? Abby: Is there an extra (24) .... ... ..... . ............... ...... .. ......... for luggage and/or my (25) .......... .. .. .. .................. . .......... ? Travel agent: You can check 1 suitcase for free if it is under 50 pounds. If it (26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more than 50 pounds, you will have to pay a (27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There is also a char
ge for each additional (28) .... ................... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All carry-on items are free with this airline. Abby: Ok, I think those are all the questions I had. Thank you very much for your help. Travel Agent: Anytime; have a good day.
UNIT 4 Microprocessor and Motherboards WARM UP
Viernes 24-Ene-14
- Is your computer fast enough to run all your applications? - How often do you exchange your computer for a faster one? - Have you ever opened the case of your computer?
Inglés Técnico
READING The main component and the most important part of a computer is the processor, or so called microprocessor, since it has been miniaturized so much that it can no longer be seen without a microscope. The processor can be considered the brain of the computer. It performs all the operations, executes all the instructions and makes ali the calculations and decisions necessary to sol ve problems. Therefore, the microprocessor is the true computer. All the rest is just add-ons that allow it to comrnunicate with the user. If the microprocessor is the brain, the motherboard is the spinal cord. The motherboard establishes a link between the microprocessor and other parts such as the memory and the peripheral devices. It acts like a fast data highway that transports the information from one component to another. The Microprocessor is the result of encapsulating a Central Process Unit (CPU) in a microchip. The central process unit is sometimes confused with the computer case, probably because the CPU is inside the case. The main parts of the Microprocessor are the following: • Central Unit: Its mission is to fetch a program instruction from the memory and execute it. • Arithmetic-logic unit or ALU. It is a pretty fast calculator for integers. It is capable of performing basic operations such as adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying; not to mention, logic operations such as OR, XOR, AND, etc.
• Floating Point Unit or FPU. It is an ALU for real numbers. A computer can representa finite range of infinite real numbers. Thanks to this unit, a computer can approximate real numbers in the range (-1038 .. 1038) for single precision and (-10308 __ 10308) for double precision. • Registers bank. A register is a memory cell, the smallest and fastest memory that computers have. These registers are connected directly to the ALU and the FPU. They are used to store the operands and results of executed instructions.
Unit 4: Microprocessors and Motherboards
• Cache Memory. This memory is faster than RAM, but slower than registers. It is used to store recently executed instructions and data. Most of them are predictive because they are able to predict and get the instructions which are about to be executed. That memory helps the computer to improve its performance. Software advances very quickly. Because of this, more powerful microprocessors are needed to support new technologies. Performance improvement has become a tricky problem to solve. Traditionally, this problem has been solved through miniaturization, in other words: making the components smaller, grouping thousands of millions of transistors in the same amount of space. Another way to obtain faster processors is to increase the clock speed although clock speeding causes a great increase of temperature that is difficult to cool. For that reason, manufacturers paved the way for multi-core technology: In order to improve microprocessor's performance, the best option is adding two or more processors in the same chip.
The motherboard The motherboard contains a socket to house the microprocessor. This socket has enough lines to communicate the rest of the computer with the processor. These lines are grouped in units called buses and they transport information to the memory, the graphics card and the peripheral devices. Ali these buses are controlled by two main chips: On one hand, the north bridge chip, which controls the faster links, like the link between the processor and the memory. On the other hand, the south bridge chip is responsible for slower communications like the link between the processor and serial ports. It is directly connected to the north bridge through a special bus called direct media interface (DMI).
Micro Processor
system bus
en 3 o
-< 3
slot pci-x for video card
o a. e:
usb HD audio network
sata drives
Inglés Técnico
This organization improves the computer's performance by avoiding bottle necks caused by transmissions from the slowest devices which are not fast enough to travel through the north bridge. There are also other important chips included in the motherboard like the BIOS and other integrated devices such as the network card, USB controllers, etc. All the chips in the motherboard are collectively called the chipset. This, along with the socket, is essential to know in arder to comply with the compatibility of the microprocessor.
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Answer the following questions: a) Why are computer processors called microprocessors? b) What functions does a processor carry out? c) What is the main function of the motherboard?
llevar a cabo
d) What is the difference between registers and cache memory?. e) What operations can a FPU perform that an ALU cannot? f) What is the main problem when increasing the frequency of the clock of the processor?
g) What is the purpose of the motherboard buses?
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performance improvement is almost impossible to achieve. b) ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. . Multicore processors have come up to sol ve high temperature problems. c) .... .. ... .. .. .... . ... .. . .. .. The northbridge is a part of the microprocessor which controls fast devices. d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southbridge is connected to northbridge using a bus called DMI (direct media interface). e) .... .. ... ... ....... ... ..... . Chipset is divided in two main chips to avoid bottlenecks. f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The integrated network card is part of the chipset.
g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The chipset has nothing to do with the compatibility between the motherboard and the microprocessor. h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The microprocessor is the intelligence of the computer and the motherboard can be considered the controller of the nerves, which would be the buses.
Unit 4: Microprocessors and Motherboards
i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The best way to improve performance is to group mili ion of transistors in a very small amount of space. j) .. .. . .. . .... . . .. . . ....... ... The reason why manufacturers release new hardware very quickly is the continuing advance of software technologies.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
VOCABULARY Solve this crossword:
6 7
Inglés Técnico
1 The result of running a computer program to assess performance.
1 Basic input output system chip. 2 When multiple signals go through one channel.
3 A device with two or more electrochemical cells that store chemical energy.
6 Two-terminal electronic component that conducts electric current in only one direction.
4 A device that stores energy between a pair of conductors. 5 The quantity of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years. 7 A device used to amplify or switch electronic signals. 8 Light emitting diode.
LANGUAGE FOCUS COMPARISON To a lower degree To the same degree
To a higher degree
my car is more expensive than my friend
less + adj+ than as+ adj+ as
my brother is less organized that my
yesterday was as cloudy as today
Monosyllabic adj: -er than* Two- syllable adj: • Ending in -y: -(i)er than
• Ending in -ow, -er,-le: optional<
. more •.. than
• Other endings: more+ adj+ than Three or more syllables: more+ adj+ than Nouns with a superlative adj. take 'the' ora possessive.
Monosyllabic adj: -est I 'm thinner than my brother Two- syllable adj: -est • Ending in -y: -(i)est • Ending in -ow, -er,-le: optional< most+adj. • Other endings: most+ adj. Three or more syllables: most+adj. {prepositions 'in' or 'of' usually follow)
* Spelling rule: when the base form has one syllable, ending in a single consonant and preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant is doubled before -er/-est, -ed, -ing, -able, -en. e.g. thinner, thinnest.
Unít 4: Mícroprocessors and Motherboards
IRREGULAR FORMS: They do not follow the rule given above in the box. Adjective/Adv.
Good/well Bad Far Real Ti red
Better Worse Farther/further* More real More tired
Best Worst FarthesVfurthest* Most real Most tired
• Further/furthest are used wíth reference to dístance and in a metaphorical sen se.
OTHER COMPARATIVE CONSTRUCTIONS Gradual increase: lt is formed by two comparatives joined by 'and'. lt suggests a continuous process.
e.g. He is doing better and better. Parallel increase: lt is formed by the repetition of the structure 'the+comparison'. lt suggests increase or decrease in the same proportion.
e.g. The faster you work, the more money you will make. The c/eaner your desk is, the better you will work.
Contra mas limpio esta mi escritorio mejor aras tu trabajo.
PRACTICE 1.-Fill in the blanks with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. a) In . . . earlier . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (early) computers, programmers wrote programs in machine code.
the.. . smallest . ... . . . . . ... .. . .. .......... .. . (small) unit of data in a computer. b) A bit is ...... e) Graphene has .greater ... .. ... . .... . ... . . ....... . .. .. . .. .. .. (great) electron mobility than silicon.
latest .. ... . .... . ......... . .... ... .... . .. ( late) technologies. d) This motherboard supports .. . .the e) A multi-core processor develops . . . .the . . . . . . . .more . . . . . . . . . .efficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (efficient) simultaneous processing of multiple tasks. f) Your virus protection has to be the . best ............... . .......... . ........... (good).
2.-Compare the computers mentioned in the box using sorne the following adjectives. big common
expensive fast
cheap trendy
powerful modern
small good
Inglés Técnico
desktops PDAs
workstations servers
pad computers
e.g. Netbooks are cheaper than laptops.
3.-Finish the sentences. a) The more bandwidth the system bus has, ... . ........ . .... . .. .. ............... . ............... . .... . b) The less latency your RAM has, . ................. ... ......... .. .. ............. ...................... . . . e) The more memory the graphic card has, ......... .. ...... .. .......................... ... ........ .... .. . d) The more GHz the processor has, ............................ .. .................. .................... . e) The more time you spend testing the program, .... .. . .. ... . ... ... ..... ............. ....... ... ...... .
Unit 4: Microprocessors and Motherboards
REMEMBER The use of too and enough: + Noun
+ Adjective Excessive degree
Too+ adj. e.g. This laptop is too expensive.
Too + much/many + noun e.g. Too many commands can freeze your computer.
Sufficient degree
Adj. + enough e.g. This processor is not powerful
Enough + noun e.g. That computer doesn 't have enough ports.
Write meaningful sentences using too or enough and the following words: files
menu items
e.g. This microchip is too big to fit in. There are too many files in this folder.
pop-up windows
Inglés Técnico
SPEAKING Roleplay: Student A is a university student who has recently bought a printer, but he/she seems to have sorne problems with it. Student B is the shop assistant who sold him/her the product. What is the conversation held between the two of them?
Key words: StudentA
Student B
Cartridge / smudged characters / skip lines
Receipt / technician / testing period / malfunction
LISTENING You are going to listen to the description of two motherboards. Take note of their mentioned features: MOTHERBOARD
UNIT 5 Development Tools WARM UP - What do you know about software? - Match the following software to the different categories:
Computer Program
Open Office Eclipse Windows XP Internet Explorer DB2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux WinAmp
Operating Systems lntegrated Development Environment Database Management .System Web Explorer Multimedia Player Antivirus
Counter Strike
Office Automation
Anjuta Firefox Avast
Search intemet for theof definition of the following concepts: Search the the intemet for the definition the following concepts: 1 Computer programming (Coding). 2 Development Tools. (Coding). 1 Computer programming 3 Software Engineering. 2 Development Tools. REDACCION 3 Software Engineering.
Inglés Técnico
READING Programs running in a CPU consist of instructions in machine code, that is, patterns of O's and 1' s stored in 32 or 64 bit chunks at different addresses. These chunks are also called words. The words can be represented in hexadecimal (a positional number system with a base of 16). Each hexadecimal digit represents 4 binary digits. Therefore, to program a section of machine code, programmers use hexadecimal words to code instructions and data.
Memory Address
Hexadecimal word
Assembler code
[O X 80000180]
0 X 00001d821
addu $27, $0, $1
[O X 80000184]
0 X 3c019000
lui $1, -28672
[O X 80000188]
O X ac220200
sw $ 2,
[O X 8000018c] [O X 80000190]
0 X 3c019000 O X ac240204
[O X 80000194]
0 X 401a6800
[O X 80000198]
0 X 001a2082
[O X 8000019c]
O X 308400lf
[O X 800001 a0]
0 X 34020004
[O X 800001a4]
OX 3c049000
lui $1, -28672 sw $ 4, 516 ( $1 ) mfcO $26, $13 srl $4, $26, 2 andi $ 4 , $ 4 , 31 ori $2, $0, 4 lui 44, -28672 [-ml-])
512 ( $1 )
For most talented programmers it is very difficult to write programs in machine code. Understanding the flow of code lines can be exhausting because they require a lot of focus. Therefore, the coding process is boring and tiring. Instead, they may write in assembly language, a low leve! language composed of a list of character strings forming words which are easier to remember (mnemonics) and consequently, easier to read and understand. They correspond precisely to the instructions which the CPU executes, and can be translated into such instructions. Nevertheless, assembly languages are still too confusing when developing advanced software. For this reason, programmers use high level languages such as Java or C++. Those languages help developers build useful software with only a few lines of code:
Frame rnyFrame = new Frame ( ); Frame rnyFrame = new Frame ( 'This is a window! '); rnyFrame.setSize (640, 480);
This sample code shows how a programmer creates a window in Java with only 3 lines of code. The creation of this exact same window would have taken at least 200 lines of assembler code. To better understand the differences in these methods of coding, consider a small program of 4MB. It may have half a million lines of assembler code translated from only a thousand lines of code in a high level language. The translation from high-level language lines to assembler lines is made by a compiler. A compiler
Unit 5: Development Tools
usually comes with an integrated development environment (IDE). The IDE has an amazing text editor including menus and options to organize code files and manage big software projects.
_ f?l_e fd~ew ~oto froject ll.uíld Jp_2!s Q.~u.11_t.V__!_~ngs ~~
QNew • e,open •
l '
' 'eCJ.uses
I> .W liban¡uta.la
I> ' ' flbanjut..egg.la
~ Actlon
I> '= test -multi-< />
_!i fibanjuta·interfilcesJ<
ltee search 1
l> - ' test-tree-utils
I> '1$Autocomplete
I> '1$ AutoUneLayout I> ')tAutoSurface v '1$COlrrip
test -actfonS l!
t> ~ test-union
• cal!Tlptconst Ca .,•ca1mpo _,•ca1rripC.-.ncelO .,• C.-.IFTipStarr(int ¡¡
..,. tJ ~~juta I> tJ .lutom4te.cache cvs
I> t)data
:J•,.-tou.seOiddPoin' _,•PaíntCT(Surtace
I> 0doc
O globaHags Ll launcher ' ~' Ll li~anjuta I>
..J. . RefreshColourPa

DocumenlS Tusks lnheritance GraphT
7 na [email protected] nabaJS ls accounts belzaba r Ooc.uments 1anjuta Desktop Onwnl oads fna [email protected] naba)S i
evolution GliUstep
hexagon.png Images
logo mai l
Movies Proj ects
rpms est. tx t
vnc - scripts
Figure: Anjuta IDE for C and C++ high level language.
The nemesis of a compiler is an interpreter. The interpreter does not make any translation; instead, it directly executes instructions coded in a high level language like Internet Explorer does when it receives .the HTML code from a web server. It carries out the same action using different approaches.
Llevar a cabo
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Read the text and answer these questions. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What is the main advantage of using high leve! language? b) ... ... .. ..... ... . ... ... ... .. What is a hexadecimal digit? c) ........ . .. . ..... ........... What is a compiler?
Inglés Técnico
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) ....... ... . ...... ...... ..... Words are an endless combination of O's and 1's. b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Machine code is a simple code but it is difficult to use. e) ............................ Assembly languages are as confusing as machine code. d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructions for the CPU are coded in assembly language. e) ...... .... ........... .... ... A compiler translates assembly language into high leve] language. f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDE stands for lnformation Development Environment.
g) . .. .... .. .. ........ .. ....... An IDE is merely a text editor.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
VOCABULARY These are typical options when working with Eclipse: Source
Open Pro¡•ct
O~ Runlast~
Add Block Commont
CIO'Se Pro¡ect
Romove Block Comment
Toggl• Comm•nt
Genorate El•mont Comment
Alt+Shift• J
Build Ali
Build Working Sot
Shift Left
Corred Indentation ~mplement
Ctrl•l Methods ...
Generate. Gotters and Settm...
(tri+ B
Build Proj•ct
Toggl• Breakpoint
Toggleline Breakpoint
Debuq L..t Launched
Toggl• Máhod Breakpoint ToggleWatchpoint ..
Build Automatically
General• Javadoc... Properties
Match the underlined elements to their definitions: a) The action of moving from one position to another. b) The action of translating the source code into patterns of O' s and 1 's. e) Explanatory note in the source code ignored by the compiler. d) Added space to every line in a chunk of code. e) Intentional stopping or pausing point in a program put in place for debugging purposes.
Unit 5: Development Tools
t) Memory address inspected by the IDE while running a program.
g) The action of switching from one effect, feature, or state to another with a pin. h) A program which has already been executed. i) A named piece of code with a defined responsibility in the source code. j) The action of redefining the source code of a certain method. k) To run an application to remove errors. 1) Methods used either to get data from an object or to set data into an object.
We must distinguish between the use of the -ing and the -ed forms as in: e.g. The film is interesting. e.g. I am interested in the film.
I`m BORING (Soy aburrido) I`m BORED (Estoy aburrido)
-ING: Participles are active. They cause that feeling. lf something is boring, amusing br fascinating, it causes boredom, amusement or fascination.
They can be replaced by active sentences, so an interesting film = a film that interests people, an operating system = a system that operates, sliding doors = doors which slide. -ED: Participles are passive. They indicate that the noun/subject 'suffers' that feeling. lf someone is bored, amused or fascinated, he/she 'suffers' boredom, amusement or fascination.
They can be replaced by passive sentences, so a finished product = a product which is finished, a broken processor = a processor which is broken.
They can be used like adjectives BUT most participles cannot be modified by 'very' or 'too' nor can be compared. They have to be intensified by words such as 'highly', 'greatly', 'much', 'completely' 'badly.'
e.g. She was greatly admired. However, a small number of participles· can be modified by 'very' or 'too' and can be compared. For example: interested/ing, tired/ing, worried/ing.
e.g. This book is very interesting.
Inglés Técnico
PRACTICE 1.-Fill in the blanks with a suitable participle (-ING or -ED) formed from the word in capitals.
Exciting Susan Baker used to design .. ... ... . .................................. .. games. Our students were ... ... ..excited ..... . .. ................. ........... . because it was the first time they visited an intemational IT fair.
Feria de tecnologia PRINT When the edges of . . . . .printed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . characters are jagged or blurred a
printing ................ ..... ...... .. .... .. ...... . ... error may have occurred. DESIGN
designed This ............ . ........... ....... ....... ... .... program will be used by most architects. designing
All . .... ....... ... .. ......... ..... ...... .. ...... programs must be tested before they are released.
alarmed We were .......... . ........... ..... .......... . ...... . by the virus alert displayed on the screen. The message was extremely . ... .. alarming ... . .. ... .. ....... ...... .... . .... ..... .
defragmented A ......................... . ....... ............ hard disk allows storage to be used more efficiently. ........ ... .... . ... ..... . .. .. .... .. ... .. utility is called defragmenter. A .... .defragmenting
2.-Match a participle to a noun and write a possible sentence for each combination.
Participles tiFRe S9RSl:lFRiR~
well-designed integrated
Unit 5: Development Tools
Nouns project
Example: Nowadays there are m.any time-consuming tasks that computers can do.
REMEMBER A noun can modify another noun, just like an adjective. NOUN + NOUN is a pattern that gives the speaker great freedom to create new concepts. lt is commonly used to indicate a subclass. For example: a 'danger signa!' is a subclass of 'signa!', a 'traffic light' is a .subclass of. 'light'.· ..
1.-Can you find examples in the reading of this unit that use this pattern? 2.-Write sentences using the following noun phrases: Software bugs: ....... ... .... ............ .. .. .. .. .... . ....... . .. ............ : ..... . ... ... . .... .. .. ...... ... ... . Memory device: ......... . .................. .. ...... .. ..... .. .. . ... .... ...... .... .... ... ... ..... .. ..... .. ... . Screen saver: .. ... ............... .. .. .... .. .. ...... . .................. . ... . .. ..... . . ... .. .... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... . Tower chassis: .. . .. ......... .......... ..... ... ... ............ ....................... . ..... . .................. .
Inglés Técnico
Desktop computer: ...... .. ... . ............. .. ...... . ..... .. ...... ...... .. .. . ........ ... ............ . .... . Address bar: ....... ..... .. .. ......... .. .... .. ..... ..... .. . ... ... .. ............ .. . . .. . .. ........... .. ...... . . Home page: ............ ...... ................ ..... ..... . ............. ..... ............... ........... .. ... .. .
SPEAKING Lately, sorne multimedia platforms like Adobe Flash, allow programmers to add images, audio and videos to web pages, creating amusing applications that interact with the user thanks to a language called Action Script.
Figure: Flash video game
Work in small groups and describe the picture above. What do you think the video game consists of? Suggest different possibilities. Use expressions such as: At the top/bottom On the left/right
In my opinion to score
In the background We can see
Viernes 21-Mar-2014
LISTENING lntroduction: With the coming of the Internet, web applications have become very popular and, in order to run a web application, a web server is needed. These web servers send HTML code to internet explorers which interpret this code showing the hypertext of the webpage.
Unit 5: Development Tools
And with the web servers, hypertext preprocessors have come along. The idea is that a user may send a request to a web server asking for the information stored in a database. The web server has a script that executes every time a user sends this request. This server interprets the script and executes the access to the database, generating the HTML code with the result of the query asan outcome. This is called preprocessing and many languages like php (pre-hypertext-processor) work in this fashion.
Watch the video to learn how to make a web application using php. Practica 16
ENGLISH IN CONTEXT Taking a taxi: 1.-Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word. Taxi driver: (1) ...... .. .... .. ...... ......... ..... . .......... are you headed today? Cathy: Hi, can you (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me to the airport?
Taxi driver: No problem. Cathy: How long should it (3) ................... . ... ...... .. ... ...... .. . .. ? I am running late; my flight (4) ...... .. ..... .................. ........... ... soon. Taxi driver: It shouldn't take too (5) .............................................. ; there isn't much traffic at this (6) ........ . ..... .... ........ ... . ... ... .... .. ... of day. Cathy: Wow, that was fast! How much do 1 (7) .......... ....... .................. ...... ....... you? Taxi driver: $12 even Cathy: Do you have (8) ..... . ........................... ... .... .... . for a $20 bill? Taxi driver: Yes, Ido; $8 is your change. Have a safe (9) ... ........... .... ... .. .... ....... ... ... .... . Cathy: Thanks. Have a good day.
Inglés Técnico
Practica 16
2.-Roleplay activity: Student A is a taxi driver and student Bis a client.
Useful sentences Taxi driver
Can you take me to the airport?
Where are you heading/headed?
l'm going to ...
How will you be paying?
Would you mind making a quick stop?
Do you need a receipt?
Keep the change
Have a nice day.
Can you drop me off at ... ? Thanks for the ride
Lunes 21-Mar-2014
UNIT 6 Software Licenses. Propietary and Open Source WARM UP 'Free software' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'. RICHARD 8TALLMAN
- Whé!.t do you think about Richard Stallman's stateme¡;it? · - Is ali software free? - What free software do you have installed in your computer? Compare these symmetric symbols. They look the same, but the concepts are different:
Do you know what the difference is?
Inglés Técnico
READING A software license is a legal instrument that grants a user permission to use one or more copies of software on one or more computers. These licenses can be either proprietary or open source. With proprietary software, a user might be granted to use an application, but the ownership of these copies remains with the manufacturer. Therefore, befare installing and using it, the user rnust accept the end user license agreernent (EULA). Generally, these programs are called commercial software and the user gets its license by paying certain amount of rnoney, but there are also other choices. Many cornputer programs are distributed as freeware or shareware. The freeware can be downloaded frorn the Internet with no cost, or for an optional fee. This rnay be confused with free software, as the software has no cost for the user, but freeware and free software are different concepts. Shareware is a terrn used for those free (no-cost) prograrns with sorne restrictions in terrns of functionality or availability. The idea is to allow the user to try the program and judge if it is worthwhile to purchase a full license. Free software is a terrn used for the open source software that can be used, studied, changed and modified at will. The key point of free software is that along with the binaries, the source must be available for all users. In 1986, Richard Stallman, a renowned hacker of the MIT, wrote the 'Free Software Definition', where free software was defined as a matter of liberty, not price. That implies that free software can cost money. Richard Stallman defines free software according to the following freedoms:
• Freedom O: The freedom to run the program, for any purpose. • Freedom 1: The freedorn to study how the program works, and change it to rnake it do what you wish.
Viernes 4-Abr-14 pr-18
• Freedom 2: The freedorn to redistribute copies so that you can help your neighbor. • Freedom 3: The freedorn to distribute copies of your rnodified versions to others. By doing this, you can give the whole community a .chance to benefit from your changes. When the source code of sorne free software is changed, the modified version of the software rnust be distributed under the same terms as original software. This concept is known as 'copyleft'. Viernes 28-Mar-14 Pr-17
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Read the text and answer these questions. a) What's the difference between freeware and shareware? b) Is free software free? c) Can you modify free software and resell it?
Unit 6: Software Licenses. Proprietary and Open Source
Viernes 28-Mar-14
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You can always run a licensed software on man y computers. b) . .. .... .. ................... You might not copy proprietary software, but you can copy free software. c) ... .... . ............. ....... Freeware and shareware are also proprietary free software. d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Stallman was not famous in the hacker comrnunity before writing the free software definition. e) ................. ........... You can purchase a full license of a shareware program to enjoy all its features. f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You can make proprietary your modified versions of free
software. g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full access to the source code is not mandatory when speaking about free software.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers. Viernes 4-Abr-14 pr-18
VOCABULARY Combine these three columns to obtain a coherent definition of a pair of words. Obfuscated
The process of creating and distributing a new version of a program
Patent on any performance of a computer realized by means of a computer program
Making a software system available for use
An unclear or unintelligible code
A demand for a copyright considered one's due
Contract between licensor and purchaser of the right to use software
Declaration of avoidance of responsibility
Inglés Técnico
Viernes 28-Mar-14
They express a variety of attitudes and have certain limitations in their use. 1. There is no -s in the third person singular in Present Simple. 2. Questions and negative sentences are made without auxiliary verb. 3. Modal verbs are followed by infinitive without 'to'. 4. They have no infinitive or participle. When these verb forms are needed, other words are used instead.
1. lt is used to express obligation. e.g. You must be back befare 11. To express lack of obligation don't have to is used . e.g. You don 't ha ve to e/ose the door.
This verb can be replaced by have to (it usually involves that the obligation comes from 'outside'.)
2. lt is also used to express deduction. e.g. She is very pale, she must be ill. When the speaker wants to convey that idea in the negative or in a question, the modal verb can is used instead. e.g. lt can 't be that expensive.
3. Mustn't is used to express prohibition. e.g. You mustn't enter that room
Can Could
1. Used to express ability. e.g. She can speak French. 2. Used to express permission. e.g. You can leave now.
3. Used to express possibility (the circumstances provide the possibility but we don't know what chance there is that something will happén). e.g. Anybody can make mistakes. Should
1. Used to express advice or mild obligation. e.g. You should do it now.
2. Shou/d have + Past Participle is used to express unfulfilled obligation. e.g. He should have repaired it.
3. Used to express probability. e.g. lt shou/d be easy. May Might
1. Used to express factual possibility (There is a chance that something will happen. lf the speaker uses might, it suggests that he/she thinks it is not very likely to happen). e.g. He may come (about 50% chances hewill). He might come (about 25% chances he will). 2. Used to express permission. e.g. May I come in?
This verb can be replaced by be able to.
Unit 6: Software Licenses. Proprietary and Open Source
Viernes 11-Abr-2014
PRACTICE 1.-ldentify the use of each modal verb: deduction, obligation, possibility, permission ...
a) He should have changed his password. b) Unplug tbe power cord, otherwise the motherboard components may be damaged.
This function cannot support externa! devices.
d) Your computer may become infected with a virus. e) You must press the enclosed key < >. Viernes 11-Abr-2014
2.-Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb. a) When the printer is stored, you . . . . . . . .. .. ...... ....... .. ... .... . .... . protect the print mechanism. b) Insufficient air flow inside the system .. . ... . . .. . .. . .. .... .................... ... .. damage the motherboard components. e) If the ítem is retumed, a report ............. ....... ............. ..... . be issued. d) Your virus protection program ...... ........ .. ........... ... ... ...... have the latest updates. e) How ........ .. .. ...... .... .. .......... .. . . . you avoid bottlenecks? Viernes 11-Abr-2014
3.-Rewrite the following sentences using the verb form indicated in brackets. a) She can discard the selections and restare the previous value. (Present Perfect). b) You can use the navigation keys to move around on the screen. (Future). e) She didn' t renew her antivirus license. (Should have).
1 think he sold sorne furniture in e-bay. (Must have).
e) That is not true. 1 don' t think he is a hacker. (Can't).
REMEMBER There are words which are pronounced exactly the same but have different meaning. They are called homophones. When we are speaking, only their context can help us distinguish one from the other.
Look at the following list of words, sorne of them have a homophone. Can you identify them and write down their homophones?
Inglés Técnico
WRITING Write an e-mail to a friend whose computer has a virus giving him sorne advice. Use expressions such as: You'd better or it's better if...
You should/shouldn ' t
LISTENING Listen to the information about Richard Stallman and GNU and answer the following questions: l. What
2. When did Richard Stallman begin working for MIT? 3. 'He believes that whoever is sitting at the computer should be able to do what they want without the ............................... ........... of who used it before. 4. Why
UNIT 7 Databases and Office Automation WARM UP Identify the applications included in typical office automation packages:
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What are they used for?
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What other office automation applications do you know?
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Lunch tomorrow?
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Inglés Técnico
porque es gerundio
Every computer specialist should begin bis or her education by learning the basic applications that can be used with a computer. That includes, along with the word processor and email, other tools like spreadsheets, presentations and databases. Ali these applications are essential for companies that want to have computerized information systems. Thus, spreadsheets will help with the financia! accounting, databases will store information about customers, orders and invoices and presentations will allow new employees to visually see how the company works. Contabilidad This set of applications is comrnonly known as office automation software.
podria ser Nowadays, a computer might be useless for unprofessional users without software like Microsoft Office or an Internet Explorer. Therefore, manufacturers must include office automation packages within its operating systems if they want to be competitive, like Ubuntu does including Open Office package in the basic installation. de todas maneras As mentioned above, ali these applications are basic for most users. However, database management is a little bit more complicated. Not ali databases can be controlled by office packages. There are sorne that are very difficult to adminístrate, due to the vast quantity of data stored and the speed requirements when retrieving information from them. These complex databases are usually managed by high-tech software called DBMS (Database Management Server). That is the reason why an I.T. specialist is needed for such a specialized task. This kind of specialist is known as DBA (Database Administrator) and it is one of the most demanded jobs in the Information Technology world. A typical database is a set of information belonging to the same context (or problem) which is organized through tables. lt is possible to create a relationship between these tables to capture how the information stored in a table interacts with another. For example, the 'Customers' table can store personal information about customers and the 'Orders' table can store information about the products ordered by these customers. Oracle is used for almost all large databases, including the databases of the world's top ten banks and the world's largest database (the World Data Centre for Climate database), which comes. to 6 petabytes of information. But, what is Oracle? It is the name of one of the most famous and thriving companies in the world. So is its founder Larry Ellison, whose fortune is over $27 billion, the top 6th in the world (not bad for a person raised in the Bronx). When talking about Oracle, we usually refer to server and client applications specially designed to provide a fast and reliable way to store and access information. Moreover, it is a well-known set of development applications (Oracle Developer) which allows prograrnrners to build advanced user applications that interact with Oracle Databases. One of the reasons why it is so successful is because it combines technology and powerful pre-integrated business applications, along with special built-in functions for banks. Besides, its trustworthy data recovery capabilities, in case of system failure or human errors, make it the perfect solution for high-performance information systems.
Unit 7: Databases and Office Automation
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Read the text and answer the questions: a) What five basic applications are mentioned in the text? b) Why is office automation software important for companies? e) Is database administrator a difficult job?
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A computer is always useful for non-professional users. b) .... .... .... . ......... .... ..... Ubuntu includes office automation software. e) ............... . .... ...... ... .. Database management is always done by a specialist called Database Administrator. d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Databases organize information in tables. e) .. .. ....... ..... ............... It is possible to combine the information stored in different tables in a database.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
VOCABULARY Match the correct definition for the following words:
Drag & Drop
To forward
Word wrapping
Inglés Técnico
1. Basic information unit in a spreadsheet where information will be placed. 2. A row is the horizontal group of cells. Rows are named with numbers, i.e. l, 2, 3 3. Non wanted digital mail 4. Single data document organized in cells and rows where data is placed. 5. Position of text between the margins. 6. Embedded file in a document. 7. Resend a message to another recipient. 8. Folder where incoming messages are stored. 9. Memory area where text or other data are copied to perform a later paste operation. 1O. Preliminary version of a piece of writing. 11. The process of clicking on an object on the screen and moving it to a different location. 12. Element located at the top left side of the document window used for measuring. 13. Pressing keys correctly. 14. Sending a word to the next line when they will not fit on the current line. 15. A built-in reference for finding synonyms for words in a document. 16. Text that appears at the bottom of every page in a document.
lt is not easy for English learners to know what preposition to use in each case. Most English prepositions are used in many different ways; besides, there are verbs, nouns and adjectives which are followed or preceded by a particular preposition. For example:
Arrive in or at {never to)
Kind/nice to (never with)
Bad/ good at {never in)
Laugh at (never of)
Depend on {never of)
Polite to (never with)
Different from/to {British) than {Am.)
Pay for something
{never of)
Responsible for (never of)
Divide into (never in)
Reason for (never of)
Dream of or about (never with)
Smile at someone
lnterested in (never for)
Think of or about (never in)
Como son preposiciones el verbo gerundio va con ING
Unit 7: Databases and Office Automation
Sorne prepositions related to space. At: in relation to a point. With words: beginning, top, bottom, end, side .. .
d o
Above: indicates position.
Across: 2 dimensions are involved (surface).
Along: in relation to a line.
Among: more than 2 items are involved.
Eil~ DJ
As far as: expression used to indicate 'to a certain point in space'.
Behind: indicates 2nd position.
Beside: indicates 'next to' 'at the side of'.
Between: only 2 items are involved. Down: indicates a lower leve! than the starting point. From: indicates origin. To: indicates destination.
In and inside: take into account 3 dimensions (space). In front of: indicates 1st and 2nd positions.
On: indicates the object is in contact with a surface. With words: comer, foot, TI, screen, blackboard, bike, campus ...
Opposite: indicates 2 items facing each other. Over: involves movement. Through: involves 3 dimensions. Under/below/beneath/underneath: involve movement or position. Up: indicates a higher leve! than the starting point.
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Inglés Técnico
Sorne prepositions related to time: At: used with hours and words such as: night, dusk, dawn, present, moment... During: does not refer to the length of period. lt only says when. For: states how long the period is. In: used with parts of the day (except 'at night'), months, seasons, years and centuries. lt is also used with other words: debt, air, ~oud) voice, past...
On: used with days of the week and dates. Since: indicates the starting point. Until or till: indicates to a certain point in time.
Other uses and expressions: Apart from: indicates 'not taking into account'.
As for: lndicates 'concerning'.
Besides: indicates 'in addition to'.
lnstead of= 'in place of'.
For/ against: indicates 'in favor'/'not in favor'.
PRACTICE 1.-Fill in the gaps with an appropriate preposition. a) You will receive stereo audio input ......... .. .... . .... .... .. .... ..... ... ... . sound sources. b) These connectors are .. ... ... .... .............................. USB ports. e) Insert the module ........... ..... .. . .... ....... .. .. .... .... any slot. d) Click File ......................... . ................ the menu. e) Place 6 screws ... ... ........ ... .. .. . ......... ......... .. the holes. f) The triangle is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the bottom-left corner.
g) Insert the support CD ..................... .. ..... .. .. . ........ . the optical drive. h) A scroll bar appears .... ............. .. ... ... ..... ... ... ... .. . the right side of a menu when there are items that do not fit . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . the screen.
Unit 7: Databases and Office Automation
2.-Write meaningful sentences adding whatever words are necessary. a) Press / power switch / 4 seconds. press the power switch 4 seconds b) Insert /floppy disk// drive. insert and floppy disk intu drive c) Go 11 Tools menu. go and tools menu d) Remove / heatsink // motherboard. remove and heatsink motherboard e) Install /module// slot opening // back // system chassis. install module and slot opening to back system f) Disconnect / fan cable// connector // motherboard. disconect the fan cable and motherboard
REMEMBER How to write a report: Many people have to write an official document on a particular subject because of their professions. That written account is called a report. Here is sorne advice to write one: 1.-Plan your writing: - First, write an outline and a few notes about what you want to say. - Organize the information. Decide what goes first. - Decide the type of language you want to use. - Write full sentences.
2.-Structure: Title: lt should reflect what you are going to explain. Introduction: State what the problem is and give background information. Technical section: Use figures, comparison tables, graphs ... use data to back what you want to establish. Conclusion: lt is the essence of the report. You make your point here.
Inglés Técnico
lntroduction: This report is intended to analyze the IT needs that High Schools have in Castilla-La Mancha and to suggest what type of equipment would meet those needs. We have visited a wide range of schools and have interviewed their principals and different staff members.
Clients'needs: As far as teachers are concerned, most of them (67%) state that computers are necessary for lesson planning and nearly half of them (49%) claim that access to the Internet is essential on a daily basis. All of them use the net to take attendance and to report assessments. As for classroom needs, we may distinguish between standard schools, which have Althia, and schools with specialized IT courses. a) For specialized IT courses, a specific configuration is needed in the classrooms. Each one requires a 100 Base T network segment which may connect up to 30 workstations running Windows and GNU/Linux Operating Systems, and a fully functional server with an Active Directory, Proxy, Web/File Server. All the network segments need to be interconnected to a 1000 Base T backbone through structured cabling. The classroom servers would act as routers for this purpose. Connected to the backbone there must be an ADSL router to provide broadband access to the Internet. lt is advisable to have a Wi-Fi access point connected to the backbone to allow students to take advantage of the network resources with their own laptops.
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Unit 7: Databases and Office Automation
b) Concerning Althia classrooms, a standard configuration would suffice: A 100 Base T network segment with an Internet connection via JCCM proxy to block social networking and unwanted web content. When it comes to administration office personnel, they need reliable access to the Internet due to Delphos web application. lt is fundamental to register students, keep their records, issue certificates, etc. For this reason a backup line is needed to ensure full time connectivity. One or more shared network printers are necessary due to their high performance, especially when report cards have to be printed.
Conclusion: Once analyzed the needs in the different school sectors, we may conclude a bandwidth increment is essential to support the demand. An increase of at least 50% must take place, considering ali schools should have a mínimum of 3 Mbps and specialized schools 20Mbps. lt is of great importance to count on an appropriate budget for schools with specialized l.T. courses since this equipment is expensive to keep up.
Total Bandwidth 20 Gbps Alt hia Classroom; 1,2 5 Gbps Adrninistration Officc Pcrsonncl; 1,25 Gbps Desktop 1_ corn pulcrs; 1,25 Gbps
Find useful expressions that may help you when writing a report:
Inglés Técnico
WRITING Write a report for the school principal about the type of software and hardware that students need in your school.
LISTENING In a shop: 1.-Listen to Sophie purchase Microsoft Office in a shop. Read the sentences and choose the best option. a) Sophie has to write { 1) an essay 2) a composition word processor.
b) She wants a { 1) refined 2) basic
c) The sales person mentions { 1) two
different types of Microsoft Word.
2) three d) The salesperson recommends { 1) downloading Microsoft Office from the Internet. 2) buying it from the store. e) Microsoft Office can be installed on { 1) only one computer. 2) up to 3 computers. discount for students.
f) They offer a { 1) profitable
2) insignificant. 1) there is someone you can talk to.
g) If you have a problem {
2) there are online resources.
h) Sophie wants to pay with { 1) debit card. 2) credit card.
2.-Roleplay: Student A is the sales person, student B is a customer who wants to buy a new pen drive.
Unit 7: Databases and Office Automation
ENGLISH IN CONTEXT Checking in/ out; handling problems at a hotel.
1.-Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word.
Oliver: Hi, (1) . . . . .. ... .. . .. . .... . . ... .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . should be a reservation for Oliver Johanson. Here is my reservation (2) ....... . ...... . .. ... .... . ... ..... ... . .... . Desk clerk: Ah yes, we have your reservation right here. Do you have your credit card and (3) ... . ...... ... .. .. .. ... .. . ... . .. ........... ? Oliver: Yes, here you go. Desk clerk: Perfect. Your (4) ..... .... .. .... . ... .. .. ... .. .. ...... .. ... . is 123, and here is the key. Oliver: Does the hotel have WIFI? Desk Clerk: Yes, here is the (5) .. .... .. .. ... ..... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .... .. . . (Oliver goes to his room and finds sorne problems) Oliver: Hi, 1 just went up to my room and it was very cold. 1 tried to adjust the (6) ... . .... .. .... . .. ..... .. ........ ... ... ... . on the thermostat, but 1 think it is (7) .... . ... .. .... ... ... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Then 1 wanted to take a shower, but there were no (8) . .. ... .. .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . towels in the room. Desk Clerk: 1 am very (9) . .. ..... ... .. .. .... ...... .... .. .. .. ....... about that, sir. 1 can change your room immediately. Here is another key for a (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . room. 1 will take 10% off of your (11) ... ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. . ... .. .. .. . .. .. for the inconvenience. Oliver: Thank you, 1 (1 2) .. . .. .. ... .. ... . .. .. ... . .. ... .. ... .. ... . .. your help.
Inglés Técnico
Checking out: Oliver: Hi, l'd just like to check (13) .............. . ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... , please. Desk Clerk: How was your (14) ...... .. ... .... .. .. . ....... . ... .. ......... with us? Oliver: Very good, thank you. This is a nice hotel in a good (15) ......... .. ...... ... .. ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; there are a bunch of good restaurants and pubs nearby. Here is the key for the room. Desk Clerk: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your time here. Here is your (16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We hope to see you again (17) ...... . .... . .. .. .. ....... ... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Have a good day.
2.-Roleplay. Student A has just arrived at the hotel, student B is the receptionist. The following sentences may help you.
Receptionist May 1help you?
Customer 1 have a reservation for. .... nights.
Welcome to X Hotel, what can 1do for you? Let me pull out your reservation.
l'd like to check out. My room is xxx.
Do you have. ª·reservation coae? Could 1have sorne form of ID? Maybe there was a glitch with the booking system. This is a list of our hotel amenities. Feel free to dial the front desk if you have any problem.
Do you have wireless internet? Could 1have the access code, please? Can 1pay with credit/debit card?
UNIT 8 Operating Systems WARM UP - What operating system do you use? - How many do you know? Are they based on Windows or Unix?
~ )
Inglés Técnico
READING An operating system (0.S.) is special software that hides the complexity of hardware from the user. It controls all the components of a computer, from hard drives to expansion cards and peripheral devices, allowing users to perform basic operations such as storing or retrieving information. advanced sysrem adrninistra tion
command line applications
Operating systems, which are very easy to use, are very complicated indeed. In fact, Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System is said to be one of the most difficult projects accomplished by humanity. The structure of an operating system is divided into layers. Each layer is programmed to control severa! functions. The most powerful and complex !ayer of an operating system is the kernel, designed to be the bridge between applications and hardware. The kernel controls all the resources a computer has, for example, memory, file systems and inter-process communications. However, what makes an operating system easy-to- use is its GUI (Graphical User Interface). The GUI !ayer is the part of the O.S. that offers a graphical interface based on Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing devices (WIMP). Thanks to this feature, any user, even if he or she is not an expert, can run programs, manage databases or access (surf) the Internet through beautiful applications full of wonderful WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) graphics and fonts. Ali of these applications interact with the kernel and the GUI rather than with the hardware directly, and they make up the third !ayer. A typital Windows OS is provided with severa! applications such asan Internet Explorer, a Notepad anda Media Player. Sometimes, more specific software may be needed such as, a spreadsheet or a word processor to complete daily tasks. This type of software often requires another license that, in sorne cases, can be costly, in addition to the amount already paid for the license of the Operating System.
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Read the text and answer the questions: a) What does an operating system do? b) Name the components of a computer that are mentioned in the text.
Unit 8: Operating Systems
c) What makes an operating system easy or difficult to use? d) How many layers does a common operating system have? e) Do you have to pay far a license to use Windows? f) Name three applications included in the operating system and two not included.
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer.
a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The kernel controls sorne of the resources of a computer, far example, memory or file systems. b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The GUI is the operating system that makes a computer easy to use. c) .. ................................ An operating system is the software that allows you to carry out basic tasks in your computer. d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The GUI only allows experts to run programs, manage databases or access the intemet. e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All the applications yo u can download from intemet are freeware. f) . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Designing an operating system is very easy.
g) .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . The structure of operating systems is based on layers. h) ................. ... .. ...... ...... WIMP stands far Windows, Images, Memoty and Printers. i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WYSIWYG meaos that sorne Operating Systems have graphics and fants. j) .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . A comrnon operating system normally has a kernel, a GUI and an application !ayer.
k) .................................. GUI stands far Graphics U ser Interface.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
Inglés Técnico
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1.-Match the following words with the numbers in the picture. Search box Status pane Column Headings Back and forward buttons Library pane Help button Address Bar Navigation Pane Preview Pane View Buttons Toolbar Scroll bars File list
Unit 8: Operating Systems
2.-Define the following concepts related to operating systems: Toolbar: lt is a GUI element in which .......... ... .... ....... ....... . .. ................. ..... . .. .... .... . . Process: lt is a computer program which . ..... .. ..... . .... .. . ... . .. .. ......... . ... .... ... ......... .... . Task Manager: lt is a utility that allows the user to .......... . .............. ................... . ... ..... . Status pane: A Pane is a part of a window in which ...... .. ..... . ..... . ... .... . ... ...... ... .. .. ......... . Log in: lt is the process by which .. . ... ...... .......... . . ............. ........ ... .. .. . .... ... . ...... ... . .
Relative pronouns:
- The information is essential to the main clause. - lt is used to identify the antecedent. lt has a restrictive function.
Who(m)/that: the antecedent is a person.
e.g. The lady thatlwho tested your printer works for IBM. That is the programmer thaVwho/whom 1met last week. Which/that: the antecedent is an object or an animal. e.g. The server thatlwhich was instal/ed last week is causing problems.
Other words introducing relative clauses: Where: the antecedent is a place. Whose: indicates possession. Why: the antecedent is always 'the reason'. a) We often leave out the pronoun when it does not function as subject in the relative clause, that is, the relative pronoun is followed by the subject. However, this does not apply to other words such as where, why or whose. e.g. The computer you repaired last week does not work. b} When the relative pron. is object of a preposition, it can fol/ow the prep. (formal) or it can be omitted and the prep. comes at the end of the clause (informal). e.g. The company for which I work has 6 offices. (Formal) The company whichlthat I work for has 6 offices. The company I work for has 6 offices. (Informal) Non-defining Relative Clauses
- They give more information but they do not identify the antecedent because it is already done. - They are separated by pauses (intonation) or commas (written language). - The relative pronouns can never be left out, nor can be replaced by 'that'.
e.g. New Tech Research Center, where I have worked for 3 years, has published its latest investigations on graphene. e.g. IBM, which is a we/1-known brand, used to develop hardware. e.g. Bill Gates, who has donated part of his fortune to charities, is the owner of the largest software company.
Inglés Técnico
PRACTICE 1.-How many relative clauses can you find in the text? Say whether the relative pronoun can be left out or not. 2.-Fill in the blanks with a relative pronoun. Write all the possible answers. a) Remove the expansion slot cover .. ... ...... ... ................. .. ... is on the back of the chassis. b) Bill Gates was the man .................. .. ................ wrote the first operating system for a personal computer. c) The phenomenon in .................................... a faint image appears on the screen may be called screen bum. d) Mark Parrar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. was a well-known professor, developed new software. e) You may need to install additional memory modules .................................... will improve your system's performance. f) The warranty does not cover failures of the product
from accident, abuse, misuse or alterations by persons other than authorized agents. g) The computers .............. ................ ...... keyboards are Chinese have to be replaced. h) Select the directory .... ........ .. ...................... you want to create the new folder.
3.-Join the sentences using relative pronouns. Example: Steve Jobs is an entrepreneur. He started a company called Apple in the late 70s. Solution: Steve Jobs is an entrepreneur who started a company called Apple in the late 70s. a) A compiler is a program. It converts computer instructions into a pattern of bits called machine code. b) Profes sor Andre Geirn built a graphene transistor in 2007. He works in the Manchester Center of Mesoscience. e) Do not install the Wi-Fi router near devices. Those devices contain magnets or generate magnetic fields. d) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google. It is the most famous search engine. e) e-Bay is a website. You can buy all sorts of objects there. f) This is advanced software. It allows you to render 30 images in real time.
Unit 8: Operating Systems
g) Linus Torvalds is a Finnish software engineer. He wrote a small kernel and sorne utilities that eventually became Linux. h) Palo Alto is a city in California. Microsoft's headquarters are located there.
4.- Find the mistake.
a) 'Computers' was the term used to describe the people whose job it was to perform repetitive calculations. b) See the tables which they are displayed in Appendix A. c) 1 bought a new software with which to protect my computer.
REMEMBER l. A nominal relative clause is not a Relative Clause. lt functions as a noun phrase. We can say that it includes the antecedent.
What = The thing that e.g. The dealer sent what we askedfor.
Can you find an example of nominal relative clause in the text? 2. We can find relative clauses replaced by non-finite clauses. e.g. The processor sent to China runs at 3 GHz runs at 3 GHz.
= The processor (which was) sent to China
Can you find an example of non-finite clause in the text?
SPEAKING · Give a speech talking about the list of actions executed in the POST {Power On Self Test).
LISTENING Listen to a conversation between two systems administrators discussing what type of 0.5. they are going to install for a database server and answer the questions or choose the best option. l. What department needs a database server? . ... ... .. ......... . .. ... .. ..... ..... .. . .
Inglés Técnico
2. Why are they going to install an Oracle DBMS? a) Because it is their favorite. b) Because the manager says so. e) Because they have to install an application that requires Oracle. 3. Which Oracle version do they want to install? .. .... .. . .... .. ...... ... .... .. . ... .. ... . 4. What two O.S . do they mention? .. . .. ... . ..... . ....... .................... and ... ... .. ..... .... .
5. Why do they decide to install Windows Server? a) Because Kim is an expert on Windows Server. b) Because Kim is not familiar with Linux. e) Because someone else will install it. 6.- Sara wants to install a 32 bit O.S. because: a) lt is cheaper b) They have to install additional drivers. e) 32 bit applications may run slowly in a 64 bit O.S. 7. Oracle llg + Windows Server will need: a) 32 MB of memory. b) 4 GB of memory. e) 64 MB of memory.
UNIT 9 Unraveling TCP-IP WARM UP What is TCP-IP? What is an RFC (Request for comments)? - Search in the Internet the RFC 791 and explain what this document is about. Look at the following snapshot of the webpage 'Whatismyipaddress.com' and discuss what it does:
What Is My IP Address? (Now detects many proxy servers) IP lnformation:
ISP Telefonica de Espana

Organizatton Telefonica de Espana
Connect1on Broadband Proxy None Detected
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Country Spain
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Read: Geolocation accuracy
City· Toledo Reg1on Castilla-la Mancha
Murcia ~ n
Additional IP Details
Inglés Técnico
READING Today, the Internet is the most used tool for communication between people through email, boards, blogs, information searches (interactive or multimedia), entertainrnent and leisure time, administrative and commercial services, e.g. tax returns, shopping, learning (with e-learning platforms or online tutorials) and a lot more. The Internet is usually defined as the inforrnation worldwide network. This decentralized network, set up by a direct connection between computers which are technologically independent, works thanks to a special communication protocol called TCP-IP (Transfer Control Protocol Internet Protocol). An IP address is used for every computer in the network. This address is typically composed by a group of 4 bytes, although in new protocol 1Pv6 the group is 16 bytes long. Each byte can be represented either in hexadecimal or decimal. For example, the IP public address is unique throughout all the Internet and a computer can be found thanks to it. So an IP address functions as a clue to find a computer in the Internet in the same way that an address is found by the postman when somebody receives a letter at home. The philosophy is the same, if a computer wants to send a message to another computer, all it has to do is write the destination address in the 'TO' field of the message. In this process the postman is a device called router. Information is routed by these devices through severa! networks until the final destination is reached. DNSSERVER
Sorne networks are not public. Even though they use the same protocols as the Internet to locate computers and share information and resources with all the users belonging to the network, they cannot be accessed by computers in the Internet. These prívate networks are called intranets and the access to this kind of networks from the outside is restricted by a firewall. However, computers in an intranet are usually allowed by this firewall to access the Internet. Computers in an intranet have prívate IP addresses while computers in the Internet have public addresses. A computer that belongs both to the Internet and an intranet has two network interfaces, one interface to the intranet and the other to send and receive data to the Internet. These dual computers are usually called gateways, dueto the fact that they serve as a bridge from the Internet to the computers in the intranet.
Unit 9: Unraveling TCP-IP
Although computers communicate with each other through IP addresses, humans do not understand these numbers very well. Instead, we use mnemonics to remember these IP addresses. For instance, if you need to search something in Google, you don't enter Google's IP address 209.85 .229.99 (although you could); you enter its domain name, that is, www.google.es. This is possible dueto the existence of Domain Name Servers (DNS). These servers are public and they are used by your computer to find out the IP address of a computer in the Internet.
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Answer the following questions: What is an IP address?is a number that identifies a logical and hierarchical manner, a network interface Are IP Addresses unique? What is a gateway? is the device that acts as interface between devices or devices, and also allows of resources between two or more4computers How many networksharing interfaces does a gateway usually have? What is the difference between The Internet andan intranet? An Intranet is an environment in which there are multiple users are f) Why are Domain Name Servers necessary? connected to Share Information f the IP address is Google site, most people come to this team Various Shapes www.google.es without specifying the direction IP address 2.-True or false. a) b) e) d) e)
a) . . . .false .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Internet is only used for communication purposes among people. b) . . . . false . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computers connected to the Internet need to have the same architecture. e) true . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. Routers deliver messages to their destination. d) .. .. false .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. Each computer has an IP address which is unique. · true e) ................... ..... ... . There are private and public networks. true f) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A gateway is the bridge to communicate a private network with
the Internet. true g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Firewalls are u sed to prevent incoming communications from the Internet. false h) ... ...... ·. .. .. .. ......... ... DNS are u sed to translate IP private addresses in to IP public addresses.
true i) .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. lt is possible to connect to google website through one of its IP addresses.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
Inglés Técnico
VOCABULARY Find the words for the following definitions in the Word Puzzle:
o o o
K R J u y p A o J o I A B o G F B I J e o N p R o T o e o 1 J N o E p J J A 1 A G 1 E I u G E o o e o wN G M p B I N e I G p N I R B R 1 u o Q
N p X
A N o A T o E o E F T p u T o I s F R u o y o E H T R E R H E T o w T e T N o o o y o A R N A M T s s e X y I E I N o I s s I R N p A e K E T s G B w B wA A V G
y T R E E V M I I E
T e A R K K p E M M A o u R o T I N o M A e H E o 1 E F F I N s B N G u 1 p M s N A R T H z M o o G X e G e e M
> Layout pattern of interconnections of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network.
> To search in the DNS database for the domain of a given IP address.
> Description of formats and rules for exchanging messages between computers.
> A terminal in a computer network. > Packet of information carried by a computer network.
> To check if another computer on a network is reachable. > To locate the precise location of a problem.
> To observe or record the activity or performance of a computer or network software.
> How long your server's been running. > To pass on or transmit a datagram to an ultimate destination.
> Solving a hardware or software problem.
CLUES: The definitions refer to 10 of these words. Eco, Uptime, Message, Topology, Transmission, Plug, Lookup, Connection, Ping, Receive, Routing, Interface, Forward, Remote, Hop, Node, Embedded, Datagram, Packets, Pinpoint, Cache, Monitor, Gateway, Protocol, Sniffer, Troubleshooting.
LANGUAGE FOCUS avoid:evitar
PASSIVE VOICE * The passive voice is more common in English than it is in Spanish. * lt is used to avoid mentioning the agent of the action, either because it is unknown or because the speaker does not want to mention it. However, the agent may appear in the passive preceded by the preposition by if it is relevant. lt can be said that the emphasis is placed on something or somebody affected by the action.
* lt is formed using the verb to be in the appropriate tense + Past Participle of the main verb (verb conveying meaning). e.g.
Active: The best Spanish engineers have designed this application. Passive: This application has been designed by the best Spanish engineers.
Unit 9: Unraveling TCP-IP
Tense /verb form
To design
To be designed
Being designed
Present simple
Is/are designed
Present continuous
Is/are designing
Is/are being designed
Present perfect
Has/have designed
Has/have been designed
Past simple
Was/were designed .· 3º persona
Past continuous
Was/were designing
Was/were being designed
Past perfect
Had designed
Had been designed
Modal verbs: will, would, can, could, may, might, must, should
Will design Can design
Will be designed Can be designed
* The indirect object, as well as the direct object, can become subject of a sentence in the passive voice. e.g. Active: Somebody sent a threatening message to my cousin.
Passive: My cousin was sent a threatening message/ A threatening message was sent to my cousin.
* When _- the. direct object · of the active sentence is another sentence, there are two possible sentences ·in the passive voice. e.g. Active: People say that this is the most expensive device for a computer.
Passive: a) lt is said that this is the most expensive device for a computer. b) This is said to be the most expensive device for a computer. Sorne other verbs that can take this structure are: believe, think, report, know ...
* Another passive structure:
GET/ HAVE something done
lt is used to express that somebody does something for us. We do not. carry out the action ourselves. lt is also used to talk about misfortunes. e.g. I had my laptop fixed last week. e.g. / got ali my files erased.
Inglés Técnico
PRACTICE 1.- Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verb in brackets. la equipeed a) This monitor ... .......... ... .... . ... .. ............ . (equip) with a plug with grounding pin. all user
b) Italics ....... . .......... . ....... ... ....... ... (use) to emphasize a word ora phrase. is coulnd
c) Half a byte ....... ..... .... ...... .. .... ....... .... (call) a nibble. isprovaidid
d) A 3-wire cord ... ... ... ... . ..... ........ ... ...... .. .. (provide) as a safety precaution. huos submib
e) The technical support form ....... . .. ........ ... . ...... .... .. ..... (submit) two weeks ago. has been f) Make sure that the paper .......... . ...... .... ....... ..... .. ... . (load) properly into the sheet feeder. ar prugerd
g) This feature identifies what types of peripherals ..... .. .... .. .. ... .. ....... ... .. .... . .. (plug) in. not been
h) Make sure the socket contacts . .. . ....... ... .. . ........ .. ..... ....... (not bend).
2.-Change these sentences into the passive. a) They used a quite rigid format. b) Someone has tuned ali the parameters. c) People can compress files more efficiently using this program. d) They are updating documents regularly. e) Somebody stored that file on a hard disk. f) Once they have creátep a.podcast, they can register it with content aggregators.
g) They split Unix systems into different branches sorne years ago.
3.-Change these sentences into the passive voice using two different structures. a) They think that performance gains are about 50% by using dual core processors. b) People say that Linux is an example of open-source development. c) Businessmen consider that wireless communication is the most rapidly developing area. d) People know that malware includes viruses, worms, Trojans, and any program that gathers information about a computer user without permission. e) They say Linus Torvalds developed Linux in 1991. f) Everybody knows that Bell Labs released Unix.
Unit 9: Unraveling TCP-IP
REMEMBER Other and another can be determiners or pronouns. lndefinite + count noun (1 ): another e.g. She bought another netbook. Singular Determiner
Definite: the other
e.g. / prefer the other one.
lndefinite: other
e.g. Other students will come after you.
+ noun Plural Definite: the other e.g. The other computers are better equipped. lndefinite (count noun) another e.g. You have to buy one or another. Singular Definite: the other
e.g. I don 't like this one, I prefer the other.
lndefinite: others
e.g. Others have been sent before.
Definite: the others
e.g. Use these ones, the others are broken.
Pronoun Plural
(1) The use of more is preferred instead of other with sing. uncountable nouns.
Fill in the blanks with a determiner or a pronoun: another, other, the other, others, the others. a) Select. ........ ... .. .. ...... .. ... . .... .. .. ítem from the menu. b) The new laptops are fine, but. .. ...... ..... ...... .... . ...... .. ... are useless. c) You can always send him .......... . .... . .. . .. . ............ . . messages explaining the procedure. d) 1 only know this command, ...... . ....... . ...... . ...... . ....... are all new to me. e) There are 7 layers in the O.S.I model, which are divided into two sets. One is the application set, ........ . ... .. .. . ...................... is the transport set. Layers 1,2,3, and 4 are related to transportation of data, ......................... . ......... . are related to applications.
SPEAKING Discuss with your partner about the best websites to read the news, to learn about computers and to improve your English. Use the expressions: in my opinion, from my point of view, as far as X is concerned ... , 1 agree but...
Inglés Técnico
LISTENING: IEEE and IETF standards organizations Listen to the text about IEEE and IETF and answer the following questions: 1. What is a technical standard?
2. What does IEEE stand for?
3. When was the IEEE founded?
4. How many countries are represented in its membership?
5. What are the 3 types of membership?
6. What does IETF stand for?
Unit 9: Unraveling TCP-IP
7. When was the first IETF meeting?
8. How many meetings are currently held each year?
9. Name 3 of the 8 subject matters used to organize groups.
10. Does IETF typically work on single protocols or more sophisticated systems?
ENGLISH IN CONTEXT: Doctor's Appointment 1.-Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box. symptoms progress
appointment infections
Dr. Dearborn: What is your (1) . .. .. . .. ... . . .. .......... . . .. . ......... for today? Heather: 1 have been congested for a few weeks and I'm worried that it rnight be something serious.
Inglés Técnico
Dr. Dearbom: Well, Iet's have a look. When I took your temperature you didn 't have a (2) ................. ............... . ... . .. , so that is a good thing. Do yo u have any other (3) ........... . . .. .. . . . ........... ........... ... ?
Heather: I don 't think so. I just (4) ............. .. . ... .. .. .............. .. a lot and ha ve a lot of mucus in my chest. What is your diagnosis? Dr. Dearbom: At this time of the year, sinus (5) .......... ..... ........ ......... ... .. .. are typical. Your insurance doesn't cover expensive (6) ..... .. ............ . .. . .... . .... .. .... . so I am going to recomrnend going to the pharmacy and buying a (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lt will work as well as anything I could (8) ... ....... .. .. ..... ....... .. .. .... ... .. you. for this
Heather: Excellent. So 1 just need to pay the (9) doctor's visit and that's it?
Dr. Dearbom: Exactly. Go to the pharmacy on your way home; I don 't want your sinus infection to (1 O) ....... ..... ............... .. .... . ..... in to something worse. Heather: Thank you very much, Dr. Dearbom.
2.-Roleplay: Student A has a health problem and Student B is the doctor. The following expressions may be useful:
1twisted my ankle
Sprained ankle
My ankle is swollen
My knee hurts
Put your leg in a cast / in plaster
My toes are itching like mad
Nausea/ vomit
Food poisoned
UNIT 10 Internet Services WARM UP - What is the World Wide Web? - What other internet services do you know?
http: //
Inglés Técnico
READING Most people think that the Internet is just the World Wide Web, but obviously it is more than that. The Internet is the network of networks that provides a lot of services. The WWW is one of these services, but many others go unnoticed, and they are just as important as the WWW. All of them are based in a protocol belonging to the application layer of the TCP-IP architecture. Here is a description for the most important services in the Internet: World Wide Web: It is the most used service of all. Its main function is to serve documents stored in a web server to a web browser. These documents are coded in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), a standard way to structure texts with multimedia content and links between them. It is possible to navigate through these texts following the hyperlinks, that is, an element that you can click on to jump to a new document or a new section within the current document. To transfer an HTML document, the http protocol is used (hypertext transfer protocol). This protocol, among its encrypted version https (s for secure), allows these HTML documents to be forwarded throughout the Internet from a source ( a web server) to its final destination, our computer.
programs •
Raising The Retirement Age: Can rt llaJa.nce Budgets? ~.
THl . Email: This service is used to deliver electronic messages to a user of a server. This user has an electronic mail address located in the server, for example [email protected] Through an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird, emails can be downloaded to our computer contacting the email server using POP or IMAP protocols. With POP (Post Office Protocol) the email can be read offline, that is, once the messages have been downloaded, the connection with the server can be terrninated. However, IMAP needs to maintain an online connection to the server, obtaining faster responses when the user has a lot of large messages. There is also the possibility of connecting to your email server by using a web front-end, that is, a web browser accessing a web application which enables you toread orto write your email, for example, hotmail or gmail.
Unit 1O: Internet Services
News Groups: Usenet is a worldwide discussion system based on the protocol NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) which is considered a mixture of email and forums. Most email client software integrates a special feature to access Usenet newsgroups, although web front-ends have taken over the control of these news groups.
M Gmall - Search results • i!...
mail.google.comfma1l/?snva =l'1search/english
GMaÍ1 '• 1'
[email protected] )~ l l:Wi! J .sígn...Ql • 1
~ ~ f!l2fil Bul!i! ~ ~ '
Search Mail
Search the Web
1 convers11tions have been moved to the Trash. Learn more !h:!.!!Q
Mali Contacts
More actions .,.
Labels •
Move to lnbox
Gentle reminder ·Tell us what
Tell us wnat you
lnbox Go S1t on !he Couch •
Compose mall
lnbox (144) Buzz Chats9
lnbo• tnbox
t1.~tet0te ~r
- -
Sent Mail Orafts
Spam (82) blogs
File Transfer: With this service, users are able to download or upload files directly from/to a server regardless of the size of the file. The communication is based on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and it is frequently used these days to deploy web pages to dedicated web servers, that is, computers whose only mission is to serve web pages to the Internet.
CD C:Windo vs sys em32 cMd.exe - f:p .t..p.deoian org
Hicrosof t llindo,.,s CUers ion 6 .1. ?600 l Copyright 2009 Mic1•osof t Co1•porat ion • 1
C:,Users,Iuan>ftp ftp.debian.org Connected to ftp.debian.org. 220 ftp.dehian.org FTP seruer User (ftp.debian.org:(none)): anonyroous · 31 Please specif y the p.a ssword. Passuo1•d: _
Secure Shell: This service is the successor of Telnet, another intemet service with security problems. These services are used to access remote computers through a network. Once the Secure Shell Session is open (SSH), the users enter their commands in text mode in a console, as if the users were directly entering commands in the remote computer.
Inglés Técnico
IRC: Very popular among youngsters, the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) has improved personal relations helping people to maintain contact with friends, peers and colleagues. Its main function is to send messages in real time to other users. Thus, this type of communication is more interactive, and although it is greatly used today as an internet protocol, chats have been integrated with most social networks.
There are many other services, perhaps not as popular as the ones mentioned above, but very important for professionals, for example, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provides a new way of telephony and videoconferencing, IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) has joined comrnunications companies in the fight for the television audience, and the Virtual Prívate Networks (VPNs) have opportunities to reduce costs to those companies needing to work remotely across the world without having to rent expensive, dedicated lines for their intemational networks.
Unit 1O: Internet Services
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Read the text and answer these questions. a) What is the difference between the Internet and the WWW? Outlook or Thunderbird, emails can be downloaded to our computer contacting the email server using POP or IMAP protocol
b) What is the HTML? IMAP needs to maintain an online connection to the server, obtaining faster responses when the user has a lot of large messages
e) What is https used for? d) Explain the difference between POP and IMAP protocols. e) What is FfP used for nowadays? f) What is the most interactive service mentioned in the text?
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) b)
c) d)
f) g)
i) j) k)
false true false
true true
false false false
WWW is based on an application layer protocol. HTML is a programming language to code documents. To deliver an email we should know the user name and the server. An email client
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
Inglés Técnico
VOCABULARY Writing HTML code: Fill in the blanks with the following words: sustituir
super link
aplicacion encabezado relleno cuadro anclar
Superseded, hyperlink, applet, header, padding, parameter, trames, anchor, tag, deprecated, embed, enclosed, margins, background, split, boldface incluido
» The . . . .tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is used to set a
.... .. .................. font style. deprecated superseded » A ................... .. ....... ....... .. tag / attribute is an element that has been .. ... ... .... ...... .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. by another more functional and flexible. header anchor » The .. ... . .............. . ...... . ..... .. .. of an html document is ... .. ............. .... . .............. by
the head tag. padding
margins » You may set the ..................................... and ...... ..... .......................... values to
pixels, percentages or any other valid length unit. background » The ... ....... ... . .............. ..... ... . color can be set with the ....parameter .......... . ................. ... . .
bgcolor. frames split » ........... ........ .... ....... ... .... allow a browser window to be .... ........ . ... .. ....... .... ...... . .
into segments, each of which can show a different document.
» When you want to create a ..anchor .. .. . .. ........... .. ..... ..... .. ... to another part of the document you must use an ................... ....... ... . ... .. . . embed
» lt is possible to ..................................... a Java application in a web page using an
Unit 1O: Internet Services
LANGUAGE FOCUS INFINITIVE is used: • After certain verbs: agree, decide, hope, manage, promise ... e.g. They decided to check it. • After certain verbs + object + inf. {when the person affected by the infinitive is different from the subject of the main verb): want, ask, tell. .. e.g. I want them to work harder. • To express purpose or intent. e.g. Click on 'view' to display the window. • After adjectives. e.g. lt is difficult to understand. When the action of the infinitive is true of a specific person, we use for+noun+inf. e.g. lt is difficult for me to understand. • In expressions such as: know+ question word + lnfinitive. e.g. He doesn 't know how to type. Used to {habit in the past). e.g. He used to design games. To be honest To tell the truth To begin with Bare lnfinitive is used: -
After modal verbs. e.g. You should unplug the power cord. After verbs of perception (a complete action). e.g. I saw him talk to the manager. After verbs: Make, let, have + object + Ínfinitive. e.g. Let her install that software. In expressions 'would rather ' l'd rather } 'had better' e.g. You'd better do a backup copy. Why not... Why not
-ING FORM is used: • After certain verbs: admit, avoid, del ay, deny, mind, postpone, suggest. .. • After verbs of perception (the action is in progress). e.g. / saw her reviewing the program. • As a noun. e.g. Programming is fascinating. • After prepositions. e.g. You can be safe by purchasing additiona/ software /icenses. • After/Before/When/While + ing. e.g. After plugging in the cable, fasten the lock pins to secure it. • In expressions such as: go shopping/sightseeing/jogging ... Be used/accustomed to + ing Be worth + ing Can't stand + ing Can't help + ing WhaVhow about + ing? • The perfect forms are used to express that the action of the infinitive or gerund happened before the action of the main verb. e.g. He was happy to have won the prize. He denied having deleted ali the files.
Inglés Técnico
PRACTICE 1.-Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. ...... . .. ....... ... .... .... . ... (choose) the icon. a) This will allow you ...to..choose to select b) ..... .......... ...... . .. . .. . ..... .. . (select) a single file, click on it. changeing
c) Configuration is the process of ....... .. .................... . ..... . (change) certain settings. .. .. ......... .... ....... ... .. (place) it in the sheet feeder. d) Fan the paper before ..... .. placeing to install .. .. ......... ........ .... .. .. (install) this software on your computer. e) Use the guide .......
to solve
f) If you don 't know how .......... ... .. .... .. ......... . ..... (solve) a problem, check our support
area on our website. cause g) ..useing .. ....... .... ... ...... ... .. (use) the reset button can . ... ...... ... ... . ............ (cause) damage to your data.
h) After . .reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (read) the notes concerning handling, install the cartridge immediately. 2.-Rephrase the sentences using the infinitive. a) Paul: 'Krista must update her BIOS.' Paul wants .. .. .... ..... ... .............. .......... .. ... .. ............... . . b) Susan: 'Brian has to implement the system in the development environment.' Susan wants .... ....... ..... ..... .. . .. .. .. ... .......... . ... ... ...... . ...... . c) This exercise is very difficult. I cannot do it. This exercise is too .. ...... ...... .. .................... ....... ..... . ....... ... .. .. . d) Richard: 'They mustn't do the performance test.' He doesn 't want ..... .. . . .... .... .... . ... ... . ...... ........... . ...... . ... ..... . . e) Annette: 'I will meet our clients.' Annette prornised ... .... . .. . ....... . .... .......... .... ... ........ ....... .. ... .. . . 3.-There are mistakes in sorne of the sentences. Can you correct them? a) He read the user's guide without use a dictionary. b) Find a job is not difficult, if you k.now how use a computer.
Unit 1O: Internet Services
e) It' s easy to sign up far newsletters. d) She insisted in configuring the system herself. e) I am use to work on my own. f) A router provide superior protection against hacking. g) There is a lot of talking in the Internet.
REMEMBER Keyboard parts: Escape Key
Tabulator Key
Functions Keys
Print Screen
/ 7
Space Bar
l[j ll] 1
Main KeyPad
Window key
· l))
Numeric KeyPad
Pop up menu Key
Shift Upper/Lower Case
Cursor Keys
Email and website addresses may include symbols that you should know how toread. Match the symbols witl:l the names: /
@ ?

left curly bracket
forward slash
right curly bracket
question mark
less than
greater than
double quote
single quote
right square bracket
exclamation mark
left square bracket
Inglés Técnico
Work in pairs. Student A reads the following addresses and student B writes them down. Students should take turns. http://www.educa.jccm.es/educa-jccm/cm/educajccm/tkContent?Content=89790&locale http ://www. youtu be.com/watch ?v=X5 wAfklIW24 http://www.bbc.co. uk/news/world-middle-east-12502189 http://www.bing.com/search ?q=numeros+complejos&src=IE-SearchBox&Form=IE8SRC [email protected][email protected]
SPEAKING Work in pairs. Student A describes an object which is in the vocabulary section of Unit 2 and student B has to guess what it is without looking at the pictures. Student B can ask Yes/No questions.
LISTENING Listen to the information about configuration management and answer the following questions: l. What is atan all-time high?
2. What does CM stand for? 3. What does CM track? 4. What does SCM stand for? 5. What features does SCM provide?
6. What year was Dropbox developed? 7. Who developed Dropbox? 8. How many people can work on the same project vía Dropbox? 9. This is an easy-to- ........... ...... ... ....... . ..... ... and convenient alternative to .. ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . files via e-mail attachments and/or flash drives. 10. What does versioning allow users to do?
UNIT 11 The Web 2.0 WARM UP Tim Bemers-Lee was the inventor of HTML and the World Wide Web. Discuss the meaning of one of his famous quotes: 'Web 1.0 was all about connecting people. It was an interactive space, and 1 think Web 2.0. is of course a piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means. If web 2.0 for you is blogs and people, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along'.
Tim Berners-Lee
ec eb pages
Inglés Técnico
READING The first web pages only had static information. They were made to add up information about a topic: technical or commercial reports, engineering or academic information, etc. They were static because, once the information was coded in HTML, they could not change in real time according to user demands or behaviors. This passive way of publishing information is now called the web 1.0., making all the web pages with this philosophy obsolete. The reason why the Internet has become so popular is its interactive capabilities, and thanks to new technologies, richer user interfaces can be created, where a dynamic transformation of the information is displayed based on user preferences and habits. Databases played an important role in this evolution and thanks to new development techniques, a web page can access a database to retrieve any information about something that may interest the user. These techniques made the coming up of the web 2.O revolution possible: new companies offered interesting entertainment software that eventually became an important source of business. They are called web applications and they are no longer static web pages. On the contrary, they can be as interactive as the programmer can imagine and can hastily result in millions of dollars benefits for their creators since the scope of the web is worldwide. One example of this successful business model is social networks. They are based on folksonomies, a collaborative way of classifying people creating social indexes. Regardless of the controversy, no one can deny its usefulness. Among many of them we can find Facebook, Twitter, Tuenti, hi5 and many other companies that have taken advantage of their services to extend their lines of activity.
Although the WWW is a good chance for business, it was originally conceived to allow automatic information sharing, free cooperation and contribution to the global knowledge of human kind. These goals have been achieved by the web 2.0 with help from important web applications like Wikipedia or Wikileaks. The knowledge bases or wikis are a quick way to find and share information; in fact, wiki is the Hawaiian word for quick. You can easily create a wiki by installing an open source application called Dokuwiki in your web server or you can just register in www.wikispaces.com.
Unit 11: The Web 2.0
The third group of popular applications of the web 2.0 is blogs. A web log or blog compiles texts and articles classifying them by date. Publishing these articles is very easy, even for those who aren't computer experts. They can include ali sorts of multimedia content including images, videos, sounds, etc. A blogger is a person who writes a blog. People can easily subscribe to a blog and receive new articles or updates. They can also participate by writing comments about the articles and expressing opinions. Blogging has become very popular among teachers as it allows them to publish new content and interactive activities, generating interesting discussions about topics and most importantly, encouraging students to help each other with the subject. These particular types of blogs are also called edublogs. In order to create a blog you can take advantage of applications like Blogger by Google or Wordpress. After registering, the user must follow a few very simple steps to customize the appearance of the blog and then the blog will be ready to start publishing.
In the next step of the evolution of Web 3.0., also known as the semantic web, computers will take over the WWW, as they will understand the semantics of the data published in the web pages. Thus, computers could infer new knowledge from existing information, developing in this way a new, small, artificial intelligence. Frightening, isn' t it?
WORKING WITH THE TEXT 1.-Read the text and answer these questions. a) Why are the first web pages in the Internet now called Web 1.0? b) What's the key point of the technology of the web 2.0? c) What's a folksonomy? d) Why would a company be interested in web 2.0. technology? e) What is the main objective of a blog? f)
Why is Web 3.0. so frightening?
2.-Are the statements true or false? Justify your answer. a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wiki means hasty in Hawaiian. b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The original goal of the WWW has not been achieved until the coming up of the web 3.0.
Inglés Técnico
e) ........ .. .. .. .. ........... .... An Edublog is an abstraction of a Blog. d) .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. The first web pages were only used for reports and static information. e) ............................... Internet became so popular because it hada lot of information. f) ........................... .... Social Networks are useful but many people don't like them.
g) . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Customizing a blog is a task reserved for professionals. h) ....... ..... . ... .. .. ...... .. ... Dokuwiki is a web page where you can register to create your own wikis. i) . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . People cannot interact and leave comments in blogs. j) .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Making web pages is an obsolete philosophy.
3.-Listen to the text and check your answers.
VOCABULARY Match the following definitions with the appropriate word related to web 2.0.
a) Podcasting
b) Widget e) Accessibility d) Syndication e) Usability f) Mobility g) Feed
l. Data format used for providing users with new updates. 2. Non-streamed audio downloadable to audio devices such as iPod. 3. Sharing content in many web pages. 4. Small computer program attachable to a web page. 5. Trait of software that measures the degree of simplicity of use. 6. Trait of software that measures how an application is available to as many people as possible. 7. The ability of a web page to be displayed in any portable device such as smartphones.
Unit 11 : The Web 2.0
LANGUAGE FOCUS WORD FORMATION: Suffixes to form adjectives :
-al: national
1.-Form adjectives from the nouns and verbs in capital letters by adding the suffixes in the box:
-ive: talkative
ACT: .......... ....... ..... ...... .. .... ... ... ......... ... ... .... .
-able: comfortable
-ic: gigantic -ful: careful -less: careless
RELY: ........ ......... ........... ......... .. .... ... ... ...... .... . USE: ...... .. .. .... .. ...... .. .... ....... ....... .. ........ .. .. .. ..
-ous: famous
-y: dirty
DIGIT: .. .. ........ ... .. .. ............ ...... ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .... .. SCIENTIST: ... ................. .... .... .... .... ........ .... .. .
Suffixes to form nouns: From verbs: -age: breakage -al: arrival
2.-Form adjectives from the nouns and verbs in capital letters by adding the suffixes in the box: DISTRIBUTE: ... ... ... ........ ... .. ... ... ......... ... .. ....... . .
-anee: performance -ant: assistant -er: driver
ARRANGE: .... ... .. .. .. .... ...... ............... ..... ... .. .... . . PRO°é:;EED: ....... ...................... .. .... ... .. ......... .... .
-ist: typist -ment: employment -tion: orgnization
FREE: .......... .. .... ... ....... .. .. .. ..... ..... .... ...... ... .... . PRIVATE: ... ... .... ......... .... ... ... .. .. .. ....... ..... ...... ..
-ure: failure STORE: ......... .... ... .. ........ ......... ....... .... .. .... ... . .
From adjectives: -anee: importance -cy: frequency
PREFER: ..... .. .. ...... .... ......... ... .. .... .. ...... .. ... ... . AMUSE: .... ... .. .. .... ... ..... ...... ... .... ...... ... ...... .. .
-dom: boredom -ity: productivity -ness: weakness -th: length
AVAILABLE: ...... .. .... ...... ... ........ ........ ... .. ........ .
Inglés Técnico
Sorne verb endings:
3.-Form verbs from the words in capital letters: -ate: inaugurate INDUSTRIAL: ... .. ..... .... ..... ... ........ .... ......... .... .
-en: fatten -ize (American)/-ise (British): apologize
THREAT: ....... .. ..................... .. ................... .. ..
-ify: clarify SIMPLE: ..................................................... .
JUST: ....... ............... .. ..... .. .. .. ..................... .
Sorne common prefixes are: Dis- indicates the opposite process. e.g. disinterest.
4.-Form words with opposite meaning: USE: ... ......... ... ........ . ......... ...... ..... . ... .. ....... .
Mis- indicates something done wrongly. e.g. mistrust
ORDER: ... ..... ... ... ... ....... .. ..... ..... ... ..... ... ..... . ..
Un- is used to form opposite words. e.g. uncommon
AUTHORIZED: ..... . ..... . ....... ... .... ....... .. .. .. ..... .
ln-/il-/ir-/im- are also used to form words that have opposite meaning. e.g. inability, illegible, irrelevant, impolite.
LEGAL: ... ..... .. ................ .......... .............. . .. . APPROPRIATE: .............. .. .. ..... ...................... .
5.-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. a) Those devices are separately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . and .. ..... ..... . ... .... ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSTALL/REPLACE b) .. ........ ........... ..... ... .. .. ........ ....... -logic controllers regulate machinery in factories. PROGRAM. e) Experts on .... ... ... . .. . ....... .... .. ......... .. .. . .... ... software have designed a new firewall software. MALICE d) Most keyboards have ... ............. . ..... ....... .. ...... .. keys. These keys won't move the mouse . .. ................. .. ... .... ... ... ... .. NAVIGATE/POINT e) A ... ....... .. ... .. ... . ... ... ............ version of Unix was released in the 90's. COMMERCE.

Active5 days ago

I am using windows 7 and xp. I want to know the uptime of the system.

Configuring custom name servers for Windows Hosting accounts. Learn how to configure custom name servers for your Windows Hosting account. Installable applications. Learn how to install and configure applications on your Windows Hosting account. Logging in and out of Plesk. Learn how to log in and log out of Plesk in this article. FTP account username: For Windows hosting accounts, the username is a combination of the FTP user account in Plesk and the server name. For example, if you create a user in Plesk named kelly, and your account is on server mi3-wss3.a2hosting.com, then the FTP username is mi3-wss3 kelly.

What is the command / procedure for getting the uptime?

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closed as off topic by Toto, Radu Murzea, sgarizvi, Julius Vainora, GravitonFeb 17 '13 at 8:24

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3 Answers

Following are eight ways to find the Uptime in Windows OS.

In Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the Task Manager has been beefed up to show additional information about the system. One of these pieces of info is the server’s running time.

  1. Right-click on the Taskbar, and click Task Manager. You can also click CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to get to the Task Manager.
  2. In Task Manager, select the Performance tab.
  3. The current system uptime is shown under System or Performance ⇒ CPU for Win 8/10.

The systeminfo command line utility checks and displays various system statistics such as installation date, installed hotfixes and more.Open a Command Prompt and type the following command:

You can also narrow down the results to just the line you need:

Microsoft have published a tool called Uptime.exe. It is a simple command line tool that analyses the computer's reliability and availability information. It can work locally or remotely. In its simple form, the tool will display the current system uptime. An advanced option allows you to access more detailed information such as shutdown, reboots, operating system crashes, and Service Pack installation.

Read the following KB for more info and for the download links:

  • MSKB232243: Uptime.exe Tool Allows You to Estimate Server Availability with Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or Higher.

To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Download uptime.exe from the above link, and save it to a folder,preferably in one that's in the system's path (such as SYSTEM32).
  2. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. To open an elevated CommandPrompt, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories,right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Youcan also type CMD in the search box of the Start menu, and when yousee the Command Prompt icon click on it to select it, holdCTRL+SHIFT and press ENTER.
  3. Navigate to where you've placed the uptime.exe utility.
  4. Run the uptime.exe utility. You can add a /? to the command in orderto get more options.

Uptime Windows

It does not offer many command line parameters:

There is an older version of the 'uptime.exe' utility. This has the advantage of NOT needing .NET. (It also has a lot more features beyond simple uptime.)

Download link: Windows NT 4.0 Server Uptime Tool (uptime.exe) (final x86)

Another easy method, if you can remember it, is to use the approximate information found in the statistics displayed by the NET STATISTICS command.Open a Command Prompt and type the following command:

The statistics should tell you how long it’s been running, although in some cases this information is not as accurate as other methods.

Probably the most accurate of them all, but it does require some clicking. It does not display an exact day or hour count since the last reboot, but it will display important information regarding why the computer was rebooted and when it did so. We need to look at Event ID 6005, which is an event that tells us that the computer has just finished booting, but you should be aware of the fact that there are virtually hundreds if not thousands of other event types that you could potentially learn from.

Note: BTW, the 6006 Event ID is what tells us when the server has gone down, so if there’s much time difference between the 6006 and 6005 events, the server was down for a long time.

Note: You can also open the Event Viewer by typing eventvwr.msc in the Run command, and you might as well use the shortcut found in the Administrative tools folder.

  1. Click on Event Viewer (Local) in the left navigation pane.
  2. In the middle pane, click on the Information event type, and scroll down till you see Event ID 6005. Double-click the 6005 Event ID, or right-click it and select View All Instances of This Event.
  3. A list of all instances of the 6005 Event ID will be displayed. You can examine this list, look at the dates and times of each reboot event, and so on.
  4. Open Server Manager tool by right-clicking the Computer icon on the start menu (or on the Desktop if you have it enabled) and select Manage. Navigate to the Event Viewer.

GetTickCount64 retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started.

Like the tool from Microsoft, but compatible with all operating systems up to and including Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, this uptime utility does not require an elevated command prompt and offers an option to show the uptime in both DD:HH:MM:SS and in human-readable formats (when executed with the -h command-line parameter).

Additionally, this version of uptime.exe will run and show the system uptime even when launched normally from within an explorer.exe session (i.e. not via the command line) and pause for the uptime to be read:

and when executed as uptime -h:

I use this little PowerShell snippet:

which then yields something like the following:


Uptime Windows Remote

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Two ways to do that..

Option 1:

Option 2:

Uptime.exe Tool Allows You to Estimate Server Availability with Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or Higher


Hope it helped you!!

Apostila Ingles Uptime Windows

Apostila Ingles Uptime Windows 8

Praveen GovindPraveen Govind